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Dev Log #6: Week 8

Borrowed Time
A downloadable game for Windows

This week we continued with improving clarity in the game, using other video games as reference on how they guide players without hand-holding. We plan on adding a tutorial section for the monster, inspired by Spiderman 2, where slow-motion and control instructions pop up that the player needs to click to proceed, to help the player learn the mechanic.

Having objectives in the game helps to clarify what the player is supposed to do, and to remind the player of the current objective, we moved it to the top left of the map screen to avoid cluttering the UI. This was inspired by the map in Resident Evil 2 remake. We improved the lighting by changing the present to have cool tones and the past to have warm tones to make a clear distinction between them.

We discussed ways to introduce the monster, how to improve sound effects, and the possible implementation of a checkpoint system to reduce frustration if the player dies and needs to start from the beginning.


  • Borrowed Time Final Build
    Dec 10, 2023
Download Borrowed Time
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