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I might lose the project files

Factor the factory game
A downloadable Factor game for Windows

Hi everybody Moa game studios to be more precise I have had had a major event cause total data lose on the E drive.

So Some rocket scientist in my house was moving my computer to do cleaning. They left the external hard drive hanging about 45 centimeters above the ground and after time it falls down on the ground. So I comeback from a bike ride and find the drive on the ground connect it back to the computer and start work for the game. As Windoes was booting I hear a buzz sound .  Still dont think much how ever when I run Unreal engine I get a error I read it and Shit. I spend a few minuets panicking and eventually guess its the cable so I got to the store and buy a new one and a new hard drive to BACK UP THE FILES. The cable does nothing...  Two and a half hours latter I determine It was likley a drive head crash of some kind cause the problems.

If you cant tell Unreal engine was on that drive and unfortunately so was the project files and pretty much everything else I've done on this computer over the past 6 months. Im going to look into a professional data recovery surface tomorrows as the last Ture back up was done way back in October23 so a good amounts of data was lost including this hole game .

Im going to see If I can decompress the game back to its source code. But if that fails I WILL REBUILD FROM SCRATCH .

I have wanted to make factor for over a year and a half I WILL NOT LET THIS STOP ME

To summarize Back up your dam files and tell everyone you know to do so

your truly 


Moa games studios 


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