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Jeff and crackhead progress 12-08-2023

Been hard at work 5 - 6 hrs a night after my son goes to bed

Only a few more things to do before release.

Boss has been added with a small cutscene for polish. Some things need changed with it to make it perfect but pretty happy with the fight itself. 

All menus done except for Options menu which will need done should be easy. 

New intro cutscene monologue voiced by me almost finished

May reanimate it not really happy with the first draft voice over sounds good though. You can skip it if you want its really just a recap of all thats happened up to the start of the game. Ive done 4 animated cartoons for these guys so far. 

Fixed all the bugs from the last update and added a few small things to keep it fresh.

All areas for demos are done.

Things to do before release 

1. Finish up boss
Adjust difficulty till fun but challenging
Add in small animations introduction

2. Add jeffs magic ball in overworld

3. Add animation for crackhead holding weopon. In battle

When equipted.

4. In equipment menu show whats added to stats if equipted. When highlighted

5. Finish up intro cutscene

6. Finish options menu

7. Finish up last enemy for deep wood

Download the adventures of Jeff and Cambel
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