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I have some Thoughts... (#CrushedVN Edition)

A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

(this is slightly abridged from the Tumblr post, so check that out for the images, extra links, and etc.)

Listen y'all, I just pulled and pulled and pulled from real life experiences. I was inspired by authors Julian Winters, Leah Johnson, and Jay Coles’ works (all Young Adult authors LOL! Fitting since I seem to be creating things for the teens at this juncture in my life). This all provided the base for Corey and his inner world. Also, I’ve been wanting to create a bookwork character…no time like the present right???

As for deciding to specifically create a boys’ love visual novel of all things?? First, y'all must understand that I fought the original idea and anything related to it. This was coming off the heels of me suddenly seeing (another) wave of players throwing fits about indie games forcing you to play as a femme character. First off, no one is forcing you to do anything. Secondly, we are still at a point in video games where the majority of characters you play as are male. Forgive some of us for wanting a little variety 😑Thirdly, for those looking for games where there’s even more inclusivity (choosing pronouns, playing as nonbinary/trans, and etc) I really wish that players would seek out those games that ARE being made and support them so the developers don’t lose steam and drop their projects. It’s so disheartening to make something that’s meant to be consumed and BOOM, silence.

Anyway, all of that to say that as a developer herself who’s tired of watching girls’ media be regulated as Less Than, made fun of, and just overall disrespected, I wasn’t interested in making any games that didn’t center a female character. But back to my main point!!!

I had Heartstopper, the webtoon, infecting my brain. I was so not immune to falling in love with Nick and Charlie like everybody else. But then I was hit for the 34573847th time that I was engaging with white queer media. And I knew that if Nick and Charlie were Black Brits, they wouldn’t be getting half the attention they are now. Even less if the boys were girls and we had a sapphic relationship on our hands. (But that sapphic story from Hummingbird Games is still brewing, and Corey and Jacob’s story was ready first.)

Also….the biphobia is real. It’s insidious. I could write a whole book about how the straights and the gays need to get their shit together. I could then write a sequel about how the Black community can be some of the worst offenders when it comes to our Bi Fam and say some of the most ignorant and devastating things. But I had limited time on my hands and decided to write a short VN instead. Once I let Corey just be, exist as the person he is, everything fell into place.

Things That Went Right…

I took a very niche, very Specific To Me, very nestled in the space between my heart and my brain and wrote a script just so I could be a part of a game jam specifically highlighting and supporting the work of Black game developers.

And I submitted the bitch on time.

I’m always down for anxiety rep!!! As a fellow anxiety haver, I say the more visibility the better!!! At the same time, it’s not a one size fits all, and there were some things I dealt with that I’d never seen depicted and I figured I might as well be true to my experiences. Maybe someone would take solace in Corey the way I’ve taken solace in other characters for reflecting my lived experiences.

I tried new things I was scared of or didn’t have time for with HSD or didn’t feel confident enough to sit and learn previously: partial voice acting (and holding auditions to incorporate more), a text message system (which wasn’t my own but part of learning to code for me means being able to take what others have done and replicate and/or use it myself), and implementing music and sound effects with intention. I’ve done it with film, but games are a close cousin in a lot of ways. A LOT of ways. I should remember that.

I still didn’t do too well in the marketing department but for this game, it didn’t feel like a failure. I also didn’t really try. Oops. I’ve got to do better. I went into Crushed knowing it wouldn’t have half the audience HSD does, and yet the feedback I’ve received for Crushed has made me want to break down into tears of relief.

I launched the game around 10 something at night my time and proceeded to be sick with anxiety for about 3 days. For three whole days I legit felt like I was going to die. And then I wanted to laugh because didn’t I just make a game to express a version of the human condition?

Things That Were Different…

HSD showed off my skills when it comes to intensive planning and sticking mostly to that plan. Crushed was a jam entry that became more extensive over time and found me flying off the seat of my pants.

I also had less (aha, zero???) budget this time around. Because again. Jam entry. It wasn’t supposed to be a Big Affair. But now that it’s over and out to you guys, I’m not mad. You could say that it all worked out.

If I Could Go Back, I Would…

For one, I would have smacked the voice in my head that said “let’s add more voice acting now”. I love the feature, but there’s no reason why I couldn’t have done auditions after release. I was impatient and restless waiting for art assets, and my idleness led me to take on more things just to not feel useless. I Have Learned My Lesson, thanks.

I Had The Pleasure of Learning…

There will always be an obstacle in the way of game development. (And sometimes your body will be your own worst enemy, yuck.)

I don’t know who my audience is (yet) for HBG but I’m always a part of it. And that’s not a bad thing. If I hadn’t felt so strongly about Crushed or even HSD, neither project would have happened because I would have given up a long time ago.

To the Future…

Empasis on future, but the world of Crushed isn’t exhausted. It lives in the bigger universe of HSD:JY but took on a life of its own. So it’s no surprise that Corey and his friends became even more precious to me. Not that I know when I’ll be able to work on it, but right after finishing and publishing the demo, I outlined a rough draft for a kinetic novel sequel told through Jacob’s POV. In my head, Corey’s story was always half of a whole, and busting out Jacob’s outline so quickly confirmed that.

(What I didn’t anticipate was how loved Oke and Keegan would be, or that there would be a want for their story outside of myself??? Between us and this postmortem, I hope to sort out their deal and get the satisfaction of seeing another type of love story/dynamic I can’t get enough of and share it!)

Closing Thoughts

The comments I’ve gotten concerning Crushed and noting the appreciation for its slice-of-life/grounded-ness is reassuring! Maybe I’ll branch out to other genres, but realism will be something I always come back to. Also, making Crushed wasn’t too traumatic soooooo that means I’m still making games LOL! Can’t get rid of me yet!

- Gemini 💛

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