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New way of doing maths in the game

Factor the factory game
A downloadable Factor game for Windows

Today I reworked alot of maths in the game changing the way stuff works

previous how the game would work was all data was streamed to a master class and the maths for the whole game was done in the master class. However I worked on the math's and now most stuff happens in the class of the machine that is doing the stuff in. I belevide it would be hard but it was easy.


redid maths so instead of doing in a master class its insted stored in the individual machines.

added builder menu

added builder pop up to open menu

added genarator to destory menu


fixed coal in new HUD

fixed power in new HUD


added coal to new HUD

fixed alot of maths with power behind the screen so now it works


added genarator

added HUD

I broke the game as a hole as math does not work

Im working on makeing the sytem future proof however the game does not work


changed maths

created coal as option for mineing insted of only metal

crated nodes to facilitate for coal and iron to exist at same time

began working on power system 

changed ressuples.


created destory menu open useing f key

changed spawn from press buttions to menu open using q key

changed start level from first person template to very bacic world

slightly changed maths. 

0.0.0 created the game only is print text fuction with bacic maths. The most bacic game made in less than 2 hours


  • 670 MB
    Dec 05, 2023
Download Factor the factory game
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