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The next update

Skylite Heroes
A downloadable game for Windows and Android

I am pretty confident that I will release the next update this month.

A lot of stuff has changed since last version, and I will detail everything when it comes out, but here is a small overview over the most important features

Dungeon System

Probably the biggest change is the dungeon system I detailed in the last update. Currently, it is only a barebones string of semi-randomized rooms, where the player finishes one room and gets moved offscreen to the next one. It is very similar to the room system the game Hades uses, but with way smaller rooms and condensed combat.

Since the last devlog, I added a couple of rooms and made a proper dungeon to play through:

For this version, the dungeon system is complete. I will add a lot more choices and a progression system in the next updates.


I am still not 100% satisfied with the current style of the game, but most of it will be down to post processing and shading. For now, I am very happy with how the game has progressed visually since the last update, and will keep on improving in that regard.


Another area I have made some changes with is the sound of the game. I switched the music that plays in the hub and did a lot of fixes here and there.

I also just finished the new sound effect system, which I will fill with life the next couple of days. Originally, I planned of doing this in the next version, but the feedback from people I showed this game was pretty much always about the sound (or the lack thereof), so I will add some sfx in this version.


The combat system in itself didn’t change that much, but I pretty much rebalanced the whole game, as well as increased the speed of all player animations. This makes the player feel much more reactive and decreases the time you are action blocked by a lot.

I will probably have to create custom animations to fit the new speed (currently they are the default ones from the pack I have the hero from), but this is a task for a future version.


Performance of the game has improved by a lot. I have tested this game on weaker hardware (Galaxy A14) and it always has a frame rate around 55 - 60 fps, at least when I don’t record the screen at the same time.

The battery drain also is moderate, but I still have to do some more tests in this area.

The APK itself currently sits at ~50mb, and will probably not blow up in size until after I will release the next update.

This should be everything about the most important changes. But what needs to be done still?

  • adding sounds for the most important actions in the game (as mentioned)
  • fixing a nasty Performance Degradation Bug (that I can’t pinpoint yet)
  • fixing another nasty bug with getting soft locked in the enemy playground (can’t replicate reliably as well)
  • making some quality of life changes, both to the game as well as the publishing process
  • do a final test on both platforms and create new builds

I can’t promise anything, but this seems doable in one month.

Thanks for reading and see you next time!


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