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Colosseum Shooter Patch Notes Version

Project SP (formally Colosseum Shooter)
A downloadable game for Windows

Colosseum Shooter Patch Notes V

Please look at the start screen to see what version you are using.

Please note that this is an early prototype build, so things may not work as intended and will be changed in later updates.

General Changes/Fixes:

  • Countdown timer added when starting a new level.
  • Load screen added, after clicking on the level button.

Menu Changes/Fixes:

  • Main menu has been reorganised
    • The game's title has been removed.
    • The Quit button has been removed. You now need to press esc when in the main menu which will open up a menu asking if you want to quit the game.
    • Icon in the bottom right has been added stating button input to access certain menus.

Stage Change/Fixes:

Snow Chasm:

  • Increased the size of the killbox in the water.
  • Inside of the building has been increased in size, though the play area is still the same.
  • Added new environment assets.
  • New enemy spawn points added inside the building.
  • Tunnel has been moved and extended. One of the entrances to it has been moved closer to the first gate that opens.
  • New textures have been added.
Download Project SP (formally Colosseum Shooter)
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