Patch Notes 1.04
Hello all our squishy friends!
- The powers that be have decided to give the heroic Squidlit, Plip, some limited temporal ability! (To the pause screen, we have added "Restart Level", "Restart Game", and "Continue" options! It uses the placement of the traditional Nintendo "A", so the Xbox "B" or Playstation "O" will be the enter command for controllers.)
- There was a Pbthantom within Skwit Skwot, GOD EMPEROR's, laboratory that was pulling passing Squidlits into the ground! It was told that is rude, and has been placed in time-out.
- One of the intrepid Knights of the God Emperor seemed to have an issue with the wall he was stationed near. Upon looking back and finding that the muffin he was guarding stained the wall, he would start to clean it. A cleaning crew was dispatched, pleasing the Knight in question.
That's all for this update!