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Who remembers Battlefield Heroes?

A downloadable game for Windows

We do, and we miss it.

Ever since Battlefield Heroes was closed down in 2015, we've been deprived of that fun, competitive yet simple, arcade-y shooting. There's been a big hole in our gaming hearts that nothing has yet filled. All modern shooters are battle-royales or filled to the brim with loot-boxes or crammed with the gritty realistic angst that, frankly, we could all do with less of. Nothing released since the closure of beloved BFH has come close to the fun and love that we had in and for that game. Nothing has provided much in the way of simple, team against team, duking it out. So, we thought, why not do it ourselves?

Development has begun, here at Clansoft, on our dream modernisation of that old and, unfortunately, dead favourite of ours. We're a while from finishing but we'll update frequently on our progress, and we'll use these logs as a way to reach out to you, our prospective players, and find out what you want from this project too. 

We want to create a game that is both faithful to the original but updated to a perfect vision of what it could be (man, that game had some really bad pay-to-win stuff sometimes - we promise none), and the best way to do that is to hear from the people who will be playing it.

From potential names for the game to proposed new mechanics, or even things we may have forgotten about the original, the comments are your way to have your say. We'll read and listen to everything you have to say! We here at Clansoft want to be sure that what we make will be enjoyed to its fullest by the players.

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