_nakeA downloadable game for Windows and Linux
added content:
- add 'green' color theme
- add 'clap', 'dance', 'ballad' soundtracks
- add 'Dungeon' map to the roaster of default maps
- create multiple-choice button
- add option to end the game after a predetermined timeout (only available in 'highest score' mode)
- add color-theme edition dialog window
- add leader-board dialog window
- add setting to add bots automatically at launch
- input fields don't need to trigger an event when clicked on
- allow for each corner of buttons to be rounded separately
- recalculate text size limit for input fields to account for the indicator icon
- ability to modify/delete/rename existing themes
- revised scoreboard's appearance and Multiplayer menu layout: use stroked-through icons instead of greyed out icons when buttons are colorful, use normal colored buttons when the greyed out colors need to be used
- visual indicator for control buttons
- display all unique colors in each color theme's palette
- ability to drag certain dialog windows around
- ability to scroll scrollbars using the middle button
- default parameters (map = "PLAIN", power-ups number = 4, soundtrack = "dance", theme = "grey")
- each dialog window's buttons are now optional and can trigger any given event
- each dialog window can have it's own title when it is contextual and relates to a particular resource
- give scrollbars rounded corners
- warn player that editing map wipes the leader board
- add sliders to all options needing to be manually inputted
- move the infos contained in the Edition menu's "Maps" tab to the Maps menu
- stop replay buttons from flickering
- update checkbox icon to look more like a traditional checkbox
- use warning color instead of error color when indicating that a modification has been made
- rename "replay" into "rewatch" to avoid any mistake
- include powerups stats (points, rate, duration) into user profiles
- add ability to give theme colors full transparency
- reorder Settings menu and add scrollbar
- Several components still using hard-coded colors instead of those defined in the theme config files
- Duplicate values in theme config files renders certain colors practically unreachable
- soundtrack panel doesn't always scroll up to selected music
- tooltips displayed under the progression bar in the Replay menu
- buttons inside panels become unresponsive when the size of the view exceeds the size of the model
- too many lambda functions increase risk of memory leakage
- map drawn on top of UI when rotated
- toolip remains when the cursor is hovering over a cause-of-death icon after last player dies