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Week 15 Work Blog - Irie Turner

A downloadable game

This week was a little bit lighter on the workload for me overall. I focused on doing some playtesting, polishing up a few things here and there, tried to try out a new thing with hair just as an experimental extra to add if I had time, some more troubleshooting, and cleaned up the textures for Mammone and found him a good spot to watch over the players throughout the game.

Mammone was really the biggest focus in the end here, as he was the last model I had that wasn't in quite yet since we hadn't thought of a good place to put him as a group yet. We ended up coming up with the idea for him to stand on the edge of a cliff, above the waterfall in the level, where he can't be reached. From here he can be seen in most places on the map, always looking around and always watching, but not too involved, to fit his role as the one who stole Vitaly's soul to begin with. 

Fixing up his texture to fit with our concept was simple enough, I just changed one of his eyes to be closed and scarred. As shown;

His UVs didn't import quite correctly, but it looks as if it was just an issue of Unreal mapping the UV coordinates incorrectly, which is an easy fix in-engine.

And in-game, he sits on the top of the cliff as the largest creature in the game. Though he doesn't interact, it does make him imposing, even from a distance.

Total: 8hr
Mammone texture polishing and implenentation1hr
Minor troubleshooting1hr
Testing experimental ideas3hr
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