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Working on some updates

A downloadable game

3 months already, how time flies.

I've been able to get some more rounds of LANDWAR played since we dropped the beta out the door. Having mulled over the sessions, I am compiling a small list of changes to tags, and adding some clarifications around the core rules. I also plan on cleaning up the Scenarios and their specific rules to. We played a 4-player king of the hill that was excellent, the winner was up in the air for 5 turns until a player who had lost 2 tanks came back to conjure a victory at the last moment on a single die roll. Hopefully I can get a chance to write that batrep up this week.

Having 3 newer players and myself, it was a great moment to get fresh perspective on a lot of the TAG rules. We figured some tags didn't really work as intended, and others  seems kinda useless or unbalanced. In light of this there'll be a patch in the works to update these tags, stay tuned.

for now, here's the version 2 of the Unit Info card. What's different? I relaxed the spacing between core stats, increased the size of most bubbles, and moved the TAGS list to the larger right-hand box which allows for more tags to be printed on the unit.

I welcome and appreciate player feed back and questions on both the layout and the beta rules.

slightly updated card layout.
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