Posted November 25, 2023 by VictorEremitas
Fixes 2023-11-26 (v1.03)
- minor performance improvements
- removed "Land Reclamation" Event-Card for Venice
- fixed an issue with Hanse Kontor (HRE) Trade adjacency bonus
- Reduced Peace and Truth of God Event Card price from 100 to 50
- Witch-Hunt Event Card now also destroys all Heresy hexes
- increased cost for "Trade Fair" from 10 to 11
- increased "Brothel" bonus from +1/-2 to +2/-1 per adjacent Clergy/Burgher
- decreased "Aqueduct" bonus from +3● per adjacent Cistern to +2● (Byzantium)
- reduced Rathaus bonus from -2/1 to -3/1 (HRE)
- added "Wine" Tag to "Wine Cave" (France)
- added "City" tag to "City Quarter" (Byzantium)
New Hexes:
- added new Hex: Crusader Castle (England, France, HRE)
- added new Hex: Foreign Quarter (Byzantium)
New Event Cards:
- Terraferma (Venice)