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Two things... (๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿง๐Ÿ˜)

A browser game made in HTML5

The full version of Scantily will, as the main page states, have an unlockable Gallery, costume changes and themed updates. It will also include a save function to store those unlocks.

  • Tests of the save function seem to work as intended. I bring this up as it's the first time I've used this feature in GB Studio, and so far it's looking good ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿคž
  • The costumes are already implemented and also work as intended, unlocking when set criteria is met.
  • The Gallery is the big thing right now. The idea is every x number of Christmas puddings smashed unlocks another gallery image, up to a total of ten per difficulty setting. As there are three difficulty settings, this of course means a total of thirty(!) images.
  • Clearing all images for any one difficulty setting unlocks a new costume - again, three difficulty settings = three extra costumes - PLUS an additional costume once the entire Gallery is unlocked. Including the default outfit, that's five costumes altogether.
  • The game will be priced at $1.99 with an intended release date of some time before Christmas, and moving forward will receive additional updates at no extra cost, adding further holiday-themed content - that is, another five costumes and thirty Gallery images per event(!).
  • (One quick internet search tells me Pancake Day 2024 drops literally the day before Valentine's Day, so that's either going to be a big update, or one of those will be reserved for 2025... ๐Ÿค”)

Now, about those two things...:

I've happened across a couple of issues during testing, one of which slightly impacts gameplay, and the other fortunately having no effect on gameplay, although it does dunk on presentation:

  • Sometimes Morag has two puddings come at her at the same time, and the tutorial will tell you that the Splits Kick is the optimised method for dealing with them. However, it seems that sometimes hitting both with the Splits Kick only adds 1 to your total score. 
    • Presumably what's happening is both puddings getting taken out on the same frame, so the engine is only counting that variable increment once... maybe... ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ (Obviously I'd rather it counted both every time, so I will be looking into that. Whether it'll be fixed by the time the paid game releases is another matter, though... ๐Ÿ˜ฌ)
  • If you're in any way familiar with GB Studio, you will know that any one "Scene" has a set limit for Sprite and Background tiles, with a more detailed background image actually reducing the sprite tile limit, so smart use of these tiles is encouraged.
    • The main game screen in Scantily has a very basic backdrop, so I'm able to use up to the maximum number of Sprite tiles.
    • Including the Sprite tiles for both the player HP and the "smashables", Morag's Sprite Sheet in the original game gets close to hitting this per-Scene limit, with a tiny bit of wiggle room.
    • Morag's Sprite Sheets for the new version add a couple extra tiles so her eyes can be a different colour to the rest of her, but in theory should still remain within the limit.
    • In practice, some of them go way over (which really amounts to around four or five additional tiles, but given what effect that ends up having, that's a lot more than I'd like ๐Ÿคจ)
    • I think what I may have done was accidentally create additional tiles when assembling each frame of Morag's sprites:
      • A Sprite Tile is 8 pixels wide and 16 pixels high, effectively two 8x8 tiles stacked one on top of the other and counting as one tile.
      • GB Studio's Sprite Editor lets you select tiles on an 8x8 grid.
      • If you (I... ๐Ÿ˜Œ) motioned to select a single 8x16 Sprite Tile, but accidentally selected, for instance, the lower half of your intended 8x16 along with the upper half of the tile below it, oops, you've just "created" an additional tile... ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
    • definitely want to take a deep dive into this and fix it if this is what's happened, although this will take a while as there are a heck of a lot of frames spread across each version of Morag... ๐Ÿ˜ต
      • ...and I would rather prioritise getting the Gallery done before the game's intended launch, so this is going on the back-burner...!

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