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[SUPPORTER RELEASE] WCAS2 + Release Schedule

World's Crossing Academy Season 2: Security Arc
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Huh. Well, what do you know. I actually did it. I got this update out within a week of the last post.

Not only that, but the last update to the game was exactly 2 months ago. For a game that usually puts out 3 updates a year, which calculates out to one update every 4 months, we've already cut our update time in HALF. That's powerful.

That being said, I have to say... a lot of bad shit happened while I was working on this update. Lost quite a few family members and motivation was in the gutter. If not for all that, I may have had this out a month ago. So I expect this update not to be quite as hefty/impactful quality-wise as previous ones, as there was a good time where I just didn't have the passion to make things happen. However, toward the end, I pulled out of it, and we ended up not only with a nice small to medium story chunk to throw at you, we also ended up with a nice handful of side story scenes to add on to our Free Time activities.

In that regard, the other writer I hired, Boogle, has been an absolute blessing. You have him to thank for a lot of the side content, and he even tried his hand at shooting a couple of the scenes you'll get to see in this build.  You also have him to thank for helping me brainstorm and get my ADHD ass some external motivation and get me in gear. I am still as yet unmedicated, but that may be changing soon as I've just gained access to health insurance for the first time in... 18 years? Yeah. 'Murica.

Anyways, nobody wants to hear about my sorry ass. This build includes a total of 7 main story scenes and I think 2 more Free Time opportunities, as well as I want to say 4 or 5 more Side Story scenes? Not a hefty update, but not too slim, either. Let's get to what everyone wants to know, the release schedule:

RELEASE SCHEDULE (Patreon/SubscribeStar):

  • 11/22/23: T5 Supporters and up ($75 Patreon/$50 SubscribeStar)
  • 11/29/23: T4 Supporters ($25)
  • 12/6/23: T3 Supporters ($10)
  • 12/13/23: T2 Supporters ($5)
  • 12/17/23: T1 Supporters ($2)
  • 12/20/23: FREE TO THE PUBLIC

As I said, not a massive update, not by any standard, but I'm really excited to put out something TWICE as fast as I normally do. I have Boogle on writing and shooting for a lot of the side content, and I'm currently training the artist from my book series, Ashtox, on shooting scenes as well, so between the three of us, we may eventually get to monthly updates with a good chunk of content to digest. 

Anyways, super jazzed about only taking 2 months to update this time around. Thank you all for being so patient with me. It means the world.

To our continued adventures together!



  • [ANDROID] WCAS2- 771 MB
    Nov 23, 2023
Download World's Crossing Academy Season 2: Security Arc
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