Patch v0.29b
- Added tooltips to controls in the options menu.
- Fixed chance of empty debriefing when killed by the CRISIS explosion in Course 2
- Fixed being unable to quit to menu from ??? and other levels without debriefings
- Fixed broken font on GRENFORS mission log and target display HUD, as well as the options menu title
- Hit/Kill log can now be hidden from the display options
- Fixed lighting breaking after CRISIS explosion finishes in Course 2
- Fixed unnamed obstacles which don’t grant score appearing in the combat log
- Added input rebinding for Toggle Velocity Display, so RMB can be unbound from that control and instead put on something like Target Forward
- Changed mouse binds to display as RMB instead of “Right Button” etc. in input rebinding displays
- Fixed input rebinding operations remaining active after switching to another menu
- Recoloured control option toggles to be in line with other option menu elements
- Fixed Course 2 turrets still engaging player during their death animation
- Fixed explosion sound priority issues
- Fixed mouse wheel throttle control, sensitivity has been brought down to a reasonable level and negative throttle inputs are no longer possible. Could possibly be reintroduced at some point
- Filled out empty screen edges on pause screen
- Gave the Altus F.2 a beefier death explosion
- Changed loadout dropdown menu font- the old green outline has been removed, using a new solid black font.
- Fixed par time being displayed as 0:00 on a successful mission debriefing
- Rebalanced Course 1 time bonus, the max bonus is now just enough to get an S rank without any combat interactions, but the par time has been reduced
- Fixed assists not being applied mid mission when toggled from the pause options menu
Files 386 MB
Version 10