is community of indie game creators and players


Week 15 DevLog_KU

A downloadable game

Week 15 is the last and final stretch for the project: the primary focuses being finishing up any last-minute tests, running packaging tests to ensure they function properly to be played later on by external persons (i.e. Showcase attendees), gathering footage for our overall trailer, and officially packaging the game to be uploaded here upon completion. I spent most of the time ensuring everything ran properly via tests and multiple "runs" of our demo, from start to finish, to double-check for any bugs and or issues that might've slipped past us while working in the "developer's view". Once there weren't any game-breaking and or corrupting bugs found, after re-running several tests for reassurance, I recorded the "gameplay" segment for our trailer, utilizing Bandicam in order to capture the screen fully.  I recorded a total of six minutes and thirty-five seconds of gameplay footage to be spliced together for our team's trailer, covering the main route of the game, and testing all of the mechanics while playing through it, such as activating the Coral Pendant to kill the Shadow Creatures, accepting and completing main and sub-missions, and collecting vital objective items to progress through the game.

Our Sound Design contacts had also communicated and shared with my team our main menu and credits music during this time, to quickly be implemented into the game, as well as ensure we received the names of everyone involved to be properly accredited in our demo's credits screen. Outside of that, I also added in in-game screenshots to add to the Itch.Io page; leaving enough room to implement the trailer above it, as well, upon completion.

Once every last detail, and or fix, was implemented by myself and the rest of the team into the game, Soul-Ladra was officially ready to be packaged, and uploaded here to our project's Itch.Io page to be downloaded and played by anyone who'd like to give it a shot.

Task NameHours To Complete
Recording Gameplay Footage1.15 HR
Final Tests and Test Packaging7 HRS
Final Communications with Sound Team30MIN
In-Game Screenshots for Itch.Io10MIN
Download Soul-Ladra