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Release 0.2.3

Godot Manager
A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Release 0.2.3

Due to the longer then wanted wait on getting 0.3.0 of Godot Manager out the door, I have gone through the backlog of Bugs that have been reported to the Godot Manager Repository, and have done some major work to get bugs fixed, and things back to working order for release.

Major Changes:

Godot Manager now properly tracks Godot 4.0 releases on Github. Due to a change in how the Godot Team names their releases, have caused issues with Godot Manager being able to properly scrape the data from Github for releases, including Download URL's, and File sizes.

Also, many bugs where fixed dealing with Installing of Godot, Management of Projects, creation of new projects, and so on. Many previous crashes that have occurred while running, have been patched and corrected, more edge case testing, and catching of errors.

Known Issues:

Currently, as of the release of Godot Manager 0.2.3, Tuxfamily's SSL Certificate has expired. This is unfortunately causing issues with Godot Manager being able to download versions of Godot from said website. Also unfortunately, this is outside of my control, and we have to wait for Tuxfamily to correct the issue before continuing forward.

Also, as discussed in this bug report, the Godot Developers are moving away from Tuxfamily as a host for Godot Engine builds, and has created a new repository here to host all builds of Godot, from Stable, to Development, Alpha, Beta, and Release Candidates.

The Future

With any luck, this release will be stable enough for me to continue to focus on 0.3.0 version of Godot Manager, which will have many different improvements, that will be a completely different beast from the current release. But as always, if you do run into a Bug, please feel free to make a report, so that we can properly track it, and fix any issues as we go along. Also, we do have a Discord, if you wish to participate, or need help with anything to do with Godot Manager. You can join our discord here.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.2.3


  • 34 MB
    Version 0.2.3
  • 29 MB
    Version 0.2.3
  • 47 MB
    Version 0.2.3
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