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Journal Entry Three: Starting From Scratch

The World
A downloadable Game for Windows

Let's Do This Again

Yup the title is correct, I have started anew! Particularly I have started from scratch with the character and the movement system. In an effort to make this game more complex I have restarted the development of the movement mechanics utilizing the Advanced Locomotion System by LongmireLocomotion. This is an extremely comprehensive foundation for create a game which has a natural and realistic feel and look to its locomotion. Though realism is not the focus of this project the foundation that this base provides creates a very polished and advanced feel for the game. Now this doesn't mean much without anything to show, so lets get into what I have now!

Going Deeper: The Story of The World

After all these issues I have had to deal with leading up to and with this build I think its time to share some more details about the story, at least the beginning!

Ever since the disappearance of your father, you have questioned the world as you know it, becoming ever curious about your surroundings. One day a strange noise wakes you up, out of your window you see a strange light emitting from the cliffside. Curious to see what’s happening you approach the light to find a cave you’ve not seen before, with a cloud like mist pouring out of it. As you delve deeper into the cave, the tight corridors get filled with more and more cloud-like mist.

This is essentially a summary of what you, the player, will experience at the beginning of the game. What secrets does the cave hold? You will have to wait and find out!

More Soon...

The Movement

Similar to the first Prototype One, this build includes wall running and mantling, with the former feeling MUCH better due to the not so glitchy nature and the beautiful dynamic animations built into this mechanic from the ALS System. Unfortunately I was unable to get the vertical wall run working in the build for when this prototype was due, so for now you can experiment with the new (prototype) wallrun, and mantle. 

From this foundation many more mechanics will come introduced throughout narrative plot points within the games story.


The graphics in this prototype have gotten an overhaul as well (this isn't the last time you'll hear that), the new Prototype One environment utilizes the foliage (and more) created for the "Home Prototype" level shown at the end of the previous dev log.

New Menu!

Now featuring volumetric clouds! 

With the new main menu also comes a new tutorial menu/system, this includes a togglable controls menu!


Here again, some more gameplay! This is a quick video of the this prototypes gameplay showing off the tutorial and a bit of the new and improved roblox-obby like platforming course, now with moving platforms! Unfortunately this build is not yet available on as it is too large!!! I will be working around this soon.

That's All!

That is all for V2 of Prototype one, from here I will continue to tweak, add, and build off of the ALS system to create locomotion that feels good for the platformer I aim to build! Unfortunately this remaking process has thrown a wrench in my initial prototype plans, from here I believe I will go into building the home environment and switch to developing and refining more mechanics once I get a better foundation in place!

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