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Journal Entry Two: Prototype One

The World
A downloadable Game for Windows

 Prototype One 

Prototype One: Movement Build, is finished and uploaded to the page! This build includes a basic version of the initial movement mechanics that will be featured in The World . Keep in mind this is a very basic build!! There are many bugs, both known and unknown, like clipping into the wall!

Before we get into the build lets talk a little about what The World is!

What is The World?

What kind of game is it?

The goal of this project is to create a narrative-driven 3D platformer. The aim is a multi-hour experience which tells a complex narrative. Utilizing the story and environment new mechanics are created for the player to use. This game will act as stage one in a 3 stage narrative. 

What is the story about?

I don't want to get into too many details as this narrative is something I have been concepting and building for a over a year, here is a brief summary of the game, with something more in depth to come:

The beginning of a saga. The tale of a kid discovering there is something more to the country they live in. Discover the mystery of your missing father and learn that there might be more to this world than you thought.

Save your country from an attacking force, the gliders, and stop their takeover before its too late. Explore caves, cities and villages, as well as secrete areas you can discover throughout the environment

The Movement Build

Now lets get to the build itself! this build features a veryyyyy basic environment, tutorial, and a roblox-obby like parkour course! Here you can try out some of these movement mechanics in a platforming scenario!


Here are some screenshots of the aforementioned basic environment.

Post Processing Effects

Though not entirely visible this build also includes a very work in progress post processing effect, that is attempting to imitate a toon look. This can be seen in more detail in the following video.


The part you've been *hopefully* waiting for gameplay!!!!!

The mechanics included in this prototype are:
Wall Running
Vertical Wall Run

Below is some footage of gameplay of this build! it is pretty chopped up to avoid showing all the glitches (those are better experienced for your self :) ) 

Thank you for reading! Check out Prototype One below!


  • TheWorld - Movement Prototype Build 419 MB
    Oct 02, 2023
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