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48 hours later

This Tomb of Ours
A browser game made in HTML5


It's been almost 48 hours since the jam submission period ended and this game first became publicly available. In that time, it's gotten more views and downloads than my previous game (Doomstone) has gotten in the 2 months since it released. I'm a bit blown away, but I'm happy people are finding and (hopefully) enjoying the game. As it happens, at least one youtuber has also already covered it:

The Sole Survivor of a Tomb Collapsing Returns Two Years Later to Find the Truth (This Tomb of Ours) - YouTube

It's worth a watch if you haven't already (although probably after playing the game if you care about spoilers), it's a cool video, and it did help me find several bugs that have now been fixed in the newly added 0.5.6 version (which is also the one now available to play in the browser).

Beregon, the host of the RPG Maker Jam(s) that this game was made for, generously allows for games to be updated during the jam submission period, and so this is the first of hopefully several updates I'll be doing over the next two weeks (and possibly beyond, until the game is finished). That said, I am keeping the original version available for download as well for those who want to rate the game solely on what was available when it was first submitted. That zip file has been updated, but only to add a note about any huge bugs that negatively impact the experience (such as all the issues that Mana found in the second puzzle) and to delete all the extra image and audio files to save space.

To those who have already played (or play after you read this post), please feel free to leave comments here, on the game page, or the submission page for either jam - I'll do my best to respond as promptly as possible, because I very much appreciate any feedback, both positive and negative. And in any case, thanks for coming here and reading this in the first place. I hope you had (or will have) fun with the game, and that you look forward to more content and the conclusion of the story!


Lastly, because I feel that the greatest obstacle to video games (or entertainment in general) being enjoyed by prospective players is finding those games at all, I want to do a little shoutout to other game(s) I've enjoyed recently at the bottom of my devlogs (both for this game and any future projects). To start out, I'm going to recommend Three Yellow Quartzes (Three Yellow Quartzes by Wisteria Sakana ( by the excellent Wisteria Sakana, who was also the co-developer on this project. You should absolutely go try it if you haven't already. In fact, just go play all her games, I've enjoyed them all so far.

Since that one is a bit obvious though (of course I'm going to shout out somebody who worked with me), I'll also recommend Endless Blue (ENDLESS BLUE by mrdiv (, a fun and short (as in actually short, not "it's totally 30-45 minutes wait what do you mean it took 2 and a half hours") survival horror demo. It's like Resident Evil but underwater, and it actually got an update within the last few weeks that I haven't played yet.

--- GrandPiekron, signing off


  • OurTomb Windows 105 MB
    Nov 14, 2023
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