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Patch 2023-11-12

Path of the Djinn - combat alpha
A browser game made in HTML5

This patch is mostly about fixes, UX, and some tuning.

Balance changes

  • [Gaze of Hate], "Armor of Hate" has been nerfed, it now gives 1 armor for each [Gaze of Hate] stack (from 2).
  • [Throw Sand], "Hidden Rock" has been buffed, it's now +25 damage.
  • [Bash] "Counterblow", [Sweep] "Rhythm of Violence", [Multi Shot] "Trigger on Ally Armor Break", "Trigger on Turn Start", "Trigger on Damage": all these triggers now allow using the skill actively.  This is an ongoing effort to make some turns feel less on autopilot due to these skills not being castable anymore.
  • reduced mana cost of [Edge of Despair], [Confidence].


  • added a skill tooltip on the skill icon in the skill modifier reward panel.
  • mouse hovering on the intent icon of an enemy unit will show a tooltip explaining the intent.


  • [Oppressive Presence], "Enemies can't have armor" properly removes armor at the start of the battle.
  • a character being dealt a killing blow won't cast skill through triggers.
  • [Gaze of Hate], buggy interactions between "Armor of Hate" and "Hateful Tide" have been fixed.
  • [Quick Shot], "Strike as One", has been fixed, won't trigger on AOE skills.
  • [Anxiety], "Liberation" (Deals 30 damage when anxiety expires) now correctly ticks on turn end rather than start.
  • fixed an issue where removing physical conditions didn't lead to the associated graphical effect being removed.
  • fixed an issue where the tooltip of skills wouldn't show.
  • the order in which physical conditions would be removed by skills dispelling physical conditions has been fixed.


  • 71 MB
    Nov 12, 2023
  • 94 MB
    Nov 12, 2023
Download Path of the Djinn - combat alpha
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