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Starting screen updated

20-second memory game
A browser game made in HTML5

Starting screen had a visible bug: text were rendered twice using different fonts. I checked all the code just to find I included the font by name, when I was loading it as a p5js font object (not as a CSS font). So replacing all textFont() to call the object instead of font name did the trick.

Well, it didn't.

Having tested all the game using a font-by-text hide the fact that Symbola contained many emoticons, but not the ones I was using.

There were two solutions: 

  1. Replacing emoticons. Symbola includes emoticons for fruits, so it could be used to meet the "musical fruits" theme. But I liked the faces and symbols I was using.
  2. Replacing font. The Noto font used by my android phone includes all the emoticons, it is beautiful (compared with Windows or Noto emoticons) and it is free-to-use (subject to SIL OpenFont license). But It is 22Mb big.

I opted for solution 3. Keeping my buggy "silently use system fonts" p5js script, but using system font for starting screen.

I whish to know audience suggestions. 

Would it be better to use solution 1 to support systems without emoticons (such as windows XP?) these systems are probably not supporting HTML5 at all...

Would it be better to use solution 2 to mantain same look and feel across different devices?

The answer is up to you...


  • 1 MB
    Nov 12, 2023
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