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Eyes Like The Sky Demo v1.0

Eyes Like The Sky
A downloadable game for Windows

Hey everyone I'm really excited to announce the launch of the "Eyes Like The Sky" Demo!

I've been working really hard with testers polishing it into something I hope everyone will enjoy as much as I do. 

Updates and Features

I'll start with the some of the gameplay stuff before I go into the description and history of the game. Those of you who have been playing early iterations of the demo might notice a LOT of changes.


First I've spent a lot of time balancing weapons for fun and usability. The era of shooter I am emulating predates "Aim Down Sights" so I worked on making a fun and fluid "From the Hip" shooting system (even the first Halo used a largely From the Hip system). Based heavily on the combat from the OG Rainbow Six and Perfect Dark, along with a few added mechanics for advanced play. For example crouching makes your aim tighter and serves as something between hip-fire and ADS fire.


All of the Collectible Lore Scrolls in the demo are now implemented and in their own sub-menu along with accompanying save data, so once you find a Lore Scroll it will be saved permanently and can be viewed from the Cult Lore tab on the main menu. See if you can find all 8 in the demo.


I really appreciate the help of the Horror Twitter Community for helping me to test the game on multiple devices as there were a LOT of just nitty gritty bugs affecting systems with different specs. Now hopefully for most users everything will be visible on the screen. I use a lot of trickery to generate my cool visual effects and some of it messes with the resolution so it was a tough balance. I also got mouse snesitivity to work correctly across all systems as well (I really really hope).


This demo will serve as something of a test bed for things as they come into the game so definitely expect a few more if not semi-regular updates and additions to it. I will want more users to test things as well as beta the main branch so if anyone wants to help with that feel free to hit me up.

Alright enough boring stuff onto the game!


While Boomer Shooters have been all the rage lately, Eyes Like The Sky is based on a different era of FPS. Military Realism Shooters from the turn of the century which I've started calling Millennium Shooters. These games immediately followed the Boomer Shooter era and served as the predicate for the eventual Cover Shooter Boom. Except I've twisted the Millennium Shooter format by making it sporadically and randomly turn into a horror game on the players.

I've wanted to make ELTS ever since I was 6 when I first played the original Rainbow Six on the Playstation. Something about the the first person perspective on early Playstation games with the technical limitations in their draw distances, lighting, and skyboxes would create these terrifically ominous locations that honestly felt like they were nowhere.

This screenshot from the first Rainbow Six illustrates this well. The technical limitations coupled with the ability to look around in first person results in this voided out horizon that feels like it could swallow you at any moment.

In the third level of the first game you had these outdoor jungle areas that I'd be afraid leave my team-mates alone in lest something grabbed them from the woods.

I intend to make a game that actualizes all these fears. A squad based tactical shooter where you swap between squad-mates, except that your unattended squad-mates are being hunted by cryptids and worse.

ELTS is going to be somewhat story heavy with multiple endings that change based on which characters manage to survive to the end. I intend to keep players on edge by disabling and killing off their low supply of squad-mates when they least expect it. While it will be possible to save multiple squad-mates to make it to the end of the game, it won't be possible to save all of them.


The demo follows the second level of the main game, our operatives found a lead during the first mission to the location of an improvised worship center being used by the cult they are hunting. However upon arriving at the scene the Russian Military is unexpectedly already there preparing to storm the center, and to make matters worse there appear to be a number of unfathomable creatures hunting your agents.

The Gospel of Terror-Rot is a powerful weapon that must not fall into the wrong hands. Your agents need to infiltrate the worship center while government forces are still preparing their raid and seize the cult texts!


Seriously if you made it this far thank you and I hope you enjoy the demo. Like I said up above I LOVE user feedback good, bad, neutral or even if you just have cool ideas, everything you tell me just helps me make a better game so feel free to hit me up about literally anything.

I look forward to seeing how everyone enjoys the latest update! Have fun.


  • Eyes Like The Sky - Demo 449 MB
    Nov 11, 2023
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