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it has been a while...

KANYE QUEST 3030 Advance
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

It has been a while since I've looked at this broken mess... I have been working on Kanye Quest 24 (I lied, I was procrastinating on Discord) and I am planning on releasing it... someday...

Now let's talk Kanye Quest 24, it's going to be a reboot rather than a new release, and it will be targetted towards modern audiences!

Will Kanye Change?

Yes! We will make him gay, and not anti-semetic! His boyfriend will be Jay Z and they love eachother so much, they occasionally get naked!

I know the media won't like it when RPG Maker games like Changed or COAALL have Fetishistic themes, but I'm sure their hypocrisy will become apparent when Kanye and Jay Z have full blown hot gay pixelated sex with each other! they'll surely strike me down if it's true.

Who will be the final boss?


yeah, Fuck Lil B, Fuck Taylor Swift, Fuck Drake, these people can go fuck themselves, those evil corporations are trying to brainwash the masses into believing in them, Just like what Lil B does in 3030

I forgot to mention, We will also uglify women
and guess what, we are not backing down on this! if you try to stop the message from spreading, guess what, I have the rights to call you a terrorist, a pedophile even, just think of the kids, they're going to become EVIL by not following the message!!

Download KANYE QUEST 3030 Advance
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