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Growth Academy Development Journal: November 2023

Growth Academy
A downloadable visual novel for Windows, macOS, and Linux


Did I spook ya? I hope everyone is doing well! I hope ya didn't mind my little prank by intentionally holding back on submitting the journal to make that joke and totally not because I had a hell week at work and then subsequently got sick; it's the belated October Journal for Growth Academy! It's been a spooky, spectacular month where we've been focusing on ordering in new assets and finishing up some more content we've been working for a while on! What to expect? Well:

  • Honoka has two more scenes being worked on along with a new crossover scene with Shiori!
  • As above, Shiori has a new crossover scene in the works, as well as some smaller touch ups and rewrites!
  • Naomi has two new scenes in the works as well!
  • Akira has not only a new scene, but a new CG too!
  • Alice has two new scenes, as well as 5 new outfits comin up!
  • Last but not least, we got quadruplets for Aida; 4 new scenes!
  • We also have some new MC scenes in the work, and I assure you only the silliest shenanigans will suffice for them!


With that, we conclude this HIGHLY belated dev journal. Apologies for my lateness, and as always, thank you for following the development of Growth Academy, and I hope you are still enjoying your halloween candy!


  • Growth Academy (Windows) 1 GB
    Version 2023.10.3
  • Growth Academy (Mac) 1 GB
    Version 2023.10.3
  • Growth Academy (Linux) 1 GB
    Version 2023.10.3
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