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Devlog 07+ - Catching You Up

Prometheus Unbound - Beta Release
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

So the game isn't dead.

We've actually made a lot of progress. The only problem is that all of us have a lot on our plates (I personally work a full-time job while going to school and most of my teammates have at least one other team-based course besides this one) so something had to fall by the wayside for a little while. I chose to let go of the devlogs for a little while to create a little slack in my schedule.

Here's what's happened over the past 4 weeks:

  • We iterated through the pre-alpha and alpha stages of development
  • We improved the tutorial a LOT
  • We added a ton of environmental storytelling -- absolutely amazing art by Jake
  • We have a fully animated opening cutscene now! Ainsley killed it with the visual design and mood
  • We had multiple playtesting sessions and got a lot of feedback -- some great, some not so great -- and we've improved a lot of the game's features based on this feedback
  • We scoped WAY down from our original plans
    • Our final design includes a tutorial and 4 primary levels, as well as a handful of very small "challenge levels" that reuse assets and don't take a lot to build
    • We implemented a secondary form for Anala with drastically different movement options -- this is a scoped down version of the original goal to have two forms throughout the game and the ability to switch between them. Now, the new form will only be used in the last two levels
  • I've reworked the story to be simpler and fit this new structure and mechanics revision
  • We fixed the Mac build, which has been glitchy and temperamental for the past few weeks

You can see a lot of these features in the latest alpha build (Sprint 9). We welcome feedback if you do take the time to play our game.

Just a couple weeks of polish to go, and then we'll be presenting this game to industry professionals. I think we all agree that there are things we would have done differently, but we've learned a lot and I still admire this team. We have something worthwhile here, we just need to carry it over the finish line.

Download Prometheus Unbound - Beta Release
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