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Few words about this game?

My Eternal Night with a Star
A browser game made in HTML5

Hey everyone! I didn't make a devlog for this game, but still wanted to make one to share some thoughts about my process etc.

So, as you guys must (?) have noticed, my pace of game release has slowed down comparing to the last months due to two main reasons: first, I'm working on my Once Upon A Time VN Jam entry, The Birth of Cinderella, but am also developing a longer project named Waterlily on the Froth, which gets my primary focus (although I am, right now, working more on the OUAT entry lmao). So, it doesn't mean I won't release any other game but these two, but if I want to make something as big as Waterlily on the Froth come to fruition, I need to stop making too many games. (ok I'm also working on a Hippolytus game because I wanted to make something self-indulgent and Phaedra always is for me, but zdefvgfref I'm doomed)

But I still released this little game, and I'm very happy to make you meet Arcturus! The idea was to have a very cute romance, and you know what I find most romantic? CONSENT. I'm not kidding, I'm not trying to give any life lesson here, I really mean it literally: explicit mentions of consent make me coo, make my heart flutter, I'm like "aaaaaawwwww" (for those who played When The Wind Blew You Away, that's why Peter, after being "helped" by Amanda, asks her before hugging her, because I love it so much defdffvf). So having a game revolving around it, and a protagonist falling more and more in love as she realises her lover will always respect her consent, and this respect being what makes her overcome her anxiety in the end... It was just too much, it was too cute, aaah!!!

Okay, and now, if you played the game (play it before reading what is going to follow), the last timeline is quite ominous... To situate, this game is part of a bigger future project, My Stardust Lover, and well, this game has a villain. And well... let's say he has his own motivations and that every gift comes with a price.

For those who don't know, here is the premise of My Stardust Lover: Arcturus, Araceli's boyfriend, died a year ago and, ever since, Araceli has let herself rot in a depressive state. However, she is one day given the chance to time travel and live her relationship with Arcturus over and over again... Perhaps it is the possibility, for our protagonist, to save her beloved's life...

Maybe I can situate the game in the narrative flow of my MSL (note that it's not very precise to avoid spoilers, haha):

So, for those who don't know, the bigger game (My Stardust Lover) has two love interests: Arcturus who's featured in this game, and Yale (I'll share concept arts below). The concept of this game is to explore love and, while Arcturus is the more "idealistic", "love can overcome everything" route, Yale is the more grounded one. And without giving too many details, this game happens in the bad iteration of Yale's route (the "girl your boy is dead it's sad but you gotta move on at some point").

And well, My Eternal Night with a Star happens during the bad iteration of Yale's route, but... what? Well, we'll find out when the game releases!

Finally, before leaving you, I would like to thank you for the reception of the game! Now, I'll just post the concept arts for the main MSL trio, toodles!


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