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UPDATE 6/11/2023!

Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Hi, guys! What's up?
I hope you had a productive week because I got my turbo machine turned on last week! X'D

- Finished 17 pages for Bermuda's Artbook! I changed the 'Items' section into 'Misc.' section. I forgot about the transitional images (Skies) and VFX/Visual Effects. It'll feel a bit odd if I put them in the 'Bonus Illustration' section so there you go! I think I covered all the VFXs, like the attack effects (both Ally and Enemy) and simple animations like Burning Fire or Raining.

I made sure to display them as tidy as I can :3 I think I did a pretty good job. Next up, the Fairy Tale illustrations! Yay!

Are you surprised? I got some burst of energy because it finally rained last week and my roof is doing fine! (This is such a big relief, I was afraid I'll get another leak or smth :'D) Thank you to everyone who sent me good wishes <3 I could really use the rain, it finally starts to feel colder now at night!

Welp, that's it for now!
As always, thank you for sparing some time to read this update *bows* I hope all of you had an awesome week and another one to come!
Let's continue to work hard together--oh but don't forget to also get plenty of rest~


P.S. I forgot to say this last week, but HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I can't believe it escaped my mind x'D Maybe because my country doesn't celebrate it? It's quite unfortunate tho, I'd really love to see my neighbours decorating their houses & give out candies to kids all dressed up :'3


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