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Game Features

Exam - Peggle
A downloadable game for Windows

Each level has a different challenge per below:

Level 1 – Default

Functionality - Simple level with no modifications.

Level 2 – Multi-Hit Peg

Functionality - At least one peg in the level which requires more than one hit to be destroyed.

Visual style - Uses an appropriate visual representation to show the state of the peg (e.g. different visuals with 2 hits remaining to 1 hit remaining etc.)

Level 3 – Button

Functionality - Level contains a button, which when hit by the ball opens up a secret area that contains a bonus pickup.

Bonus Pickup - Bonus pickup displays an onscreen bonus message including the bonus amount upon collision with the ball.

Level 4 – Checkpoint Bonus

Functionality - Level contains at least 3 checkpoints, which when hit in order by the ball result in a bonus which appears on-screen after the final peg is destroyed. Checkpoints can be passed through by the ball rather than a normal collision. If a checkpoint is hit out of sequence, the entire sequence must be restarted.

Visual Feedback - Pegs visually show which number in the checkpoint sequence they are (i.e. have a number on them), and correctly show when the checkpoint has been activated.

Level 5 – Moving Peg

Functionality - Moving pegs follow a predetermined path and cause balls to bounce of them appropriately.

Correctly resetting - Pegs only reset when level is reloaded, not after each shot.

Level 6 – Homing Missiles

Spawns Missiles spawn from the sides of the screen every second when there is an in-flight ball. Missiles only collide with the ball, and not the pegs.

Functionality - Missiles seek the currently in-flight ball (and ignore the ball once it is in the bucket area) and destroy when they collide with it.

Level 7 – Laser Bomb

Functionality - If the player presses spacebar while the ball is in flight, the ball shoots lasers in four directions (i.e. in a + pattern). Lasers that hit any pegs should destroy the peg. Lasers can't penetrate pegs (i.e. it only hits pegs which are within line-of-sight).

Level 8 – Cinemachine

Level Introduction - Level is larger and camera initially shows the entire level for one second before focusing on the top of the level area.

During Play - After ball is fired, camera follows it. Continues to do so until ball comes to rest in a bucket and a new turn begins, and then smoothly transitions back to framing the top area of the level.

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