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Physical copies of Monster Book/Adventure Guide coming soon

Be You Bold
A downloadable game

I have been working on making physical copies of the Monster Book and Adventuring Guide available. Because the Adventuring Guide is so short and Lulu's only option for that would have been a hardbound book, I decided to combine them. So, one book... it works fine, I think. I'll know for sure how I think when the proof copy arrives to look out. But, it'll be cool no matter what! There's nothing quite like holding the physical copy of something you wrote right in your hands. I'm excited. 

So, you'll soon be able to get a physical copy of a Monster Book slash Adventuring Guide for your shelf. The content is the same as the digital files. But if you're like me, having the physical one just feels better on some level. And while I do hope I sell a few because making a few bucks off of art creation is one of the greatest compliments the universe can bestow, I'm also keeping them pretty low cost (under $10) so they'll hopefully be affordable to most folks out there that would want one. 

Take care. And, may all your hits be crits!


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