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Devlog 9 - 03/11/2023

Walking On My Grave
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

NOTE: I forgot to post the Devlog 8 here. Sorry, guys.

Wow. This month was way better than last, I can say. Chapter 2 for the Necromancer is at 26k words, in between text, code, stat and relationship variation. Almost 16k words more than last month. There are some things that will be polished once the entirety of the chapter is ready, some coding that will need to be done (when you think you accounted for all possible variables beforehand but as you write you discover that no, it was just illusion and you need to create more) and so on, but for now, the first event in the Chapter 2 - Necromancer is ready, so it's time to start writing the Chapter 2 - Undead :D

Despite all the troubles in the beginning to find the right balance for the first interaction (and the heat, it has finally gone away), I'm glad with what I managed to do and with all the variations, and the ones if you are as sarcastic as Gehfeer were really fun - writing Roseis getting pissed off if both you and Gehfeer are sarcastic was also surprisingly fun.

At the same time, it was tiring in the coding and flavor-text variation side of things, since I decided that choices related to romance will be available at different times than the other - as I said in an ask once, I want the possibility of Annoying-to-Lovers (and Friends-Lovers, Rival-to-Lovers, and Hate-to-Lovers, ooops) and it's easier to write and code if they are chosen and counted separated. It's not something that I pretend to repeat in so much detail in any future IF with more than one RO at a single time, but with Walking on My Grave, where it's really one RO? I think it really adds to the story.

There are already more feats of magic that the Necromancer perform, this time in more... Dire situations, that will give a good sense of what Bravien Mages, specially Morttatios, can do. They were a little bit hard to write and describe without going on and on, and there is a possibility that later I'll try to trimm them up a bit, but for now I won't touch them.

I think that's it for now. Thank you for the patience and everything! Love you all and have a great month!

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