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Initial Concept/Idea

Little Yellow Jacket
A downloadable game

Initial Idea/Concepts regarding Little Yellow Jacket

This project is heavily inspired by Little Nightmares (hence the name) and Inside. I like the feeling of both games and hopefully, I can achieve something remotely in the direction of the two games. With that said, I would like to note that there is a chance that this project will head towards a different theme/direction because of my ability.

Game Theme/Story:
I'm thinking of a Horror-themed adventure game. The stage will be in some abandoned school/mansion deep in the woods or a swamp. The main character is a child/tiny person and starts in captivity by the people living in the abandoned building. The people living there are evil and capture the main character among others to eat them alive. The main character must survive and escape the area before it gets eaten.

Some Details:
There are multiple thresholds and obstacles between the player and freedom, and the player must solve puzzles to navigate their way to the end. I will throw in some boss fights (where the main character essentially runs away without getting caught).

If time permits (and if I have sufficient skills), then I will make the game have some type of raycasting to make the game feel realistic. I also want this because I'm thinking of adding a lot of wet surfaces and reflections would add so much to the feeling. The project as a whole will be built using the Unity game engine (since that is what I have the most experience with) and I'm aiming for a 2.5D feeling.

To be true to the title, a Yellow Jacket will be following the player around for the majority of the game. I will refer to it as "Lil Jackey".
The main character would probably be the height of a toddler (50cm?) and can grab onto things (if I manage).

The main enemy will be an old woman living in the abandoned building (I guess it won't be "abandoned") who collects kids/tiny people to eat them alive. I will refer to her as "the witch" for now.
Other than the witch, I am thinking of a few bosses/enemies but I don't have a concrete idea. One possible option is some kind of chef or cook that chases the main character with a knife.

The majority of obstacles will probably be gates and doors. The player must find the key or a keycode to progress from one room to another. I want to somehow incorporate Lil Jackey in the puzzle-solving steps but I don't have any ideas for now.

Ending Thoughts
I am still new to game development as I am still a high schooler (Junior to be precise) so progress will most likely be slow. Also, the quality of the game will probably be several degrees worse than the average game out there, but please bear with me. 

That's it for today. I hope you guys are interested in how this game will look in the future.

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