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Controls n stuff

Red Terror (Playdate)
A downloadable game

While awaiting graphics for the new enemy I've been working one a few quality of life improvements to the game.

I've added two menu options - one lets you change the difficulty while playing. So if you choose a difficulty level that feels to hard, you can now change it mid-game without having to start from scratch again.
I've also, per request, tested out a control scheme that lets you strife left and right. In this control scheme, button B will not swap weapons but you would instead need to use the crank to swap out weapons. B will still be used to open doors. While holding down B you can press left and right to strife left and right on the map. This does mean you can't rotate the camera while strafing :) There is only so much you can do with the controls ;)

The player can switch both these in game using the menus.

Strafing looks sort of like this:

This is'nt out in a released version yet - I think I will hold off until I got the new enemy. More of a show n tell :) let me know what you think about it!

Happy friday to everyone, hope your having a lovely weekend :)

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