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Spectre Palette Ballet
A browser game made in HTML5


Step 1: Did the Godot 2d tutorial and got it working. Thought it would be fun to put a little spin on it for the jam so that instead of just dodging, you could collect something too. I was even thinking of doing two games in one to learn multiple game styles, the dodge 'em game and a platformer (oh the hubris), thinking that every time you hit the turpentine, it would trigger the 2d tutorial dodge game, but with a countdown instead of a count up. Was able to spawn the collectable pretty easily, but utterly unable to count it no matter what I did.

Step 2: Starting digging into other tutorials trying to figure out how to make a collectable in the dodge game.

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Start doing about 3 platformer tutorials at once, still sort of hoping to also figure out how to put a collectable in the dodge game. 

Step 4.5: Technically I can and should adjust the player so he doesn't stay on his head after a fall but upside down with kicky legs gives me such joy, I refuse to fix it.

Step 5: Fight with Godot to get collectables to work in the platformer. Finally figure it out! Hurray! Victory! Now, to the dodge game!

Step 6: Actually that method only works in that one specific instance! Not victory! Maybe I'm losing my mind but it feels like that's kind of a theme for Godot. 

Step 7: Hammer away at game, try to make it in time for the jam ending, decide to give up and post what I have.

Step 8: Start posting process, realize I have no idea how game exports work for Godot, by the time I figure it out, it's 2 minutes after midnight and the jam is closed. Also, I messed up the export so it wasn't playable, so I ended up deleting that page.

Step 9: Kind jam runners say it's okay, this is a relaxed jam and they are accepting late entries.

Step 10: Use the extra day to brute force everything into almost sort of working. Start to post several times only to find more issues, fix issues, repeat until it's way too late at night. Time to give up!

Anyway, it's a game, kind of!

Edited to add: the game jam asked about links to tutorials, and the one I would like to recommend is 

Since he's a teacher IRL as well, his tutorials were really easy to understand and engage with. 


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