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Coming Together!

A browser game made in HTML5

Once again, really late. No excuse because I actually started pretty early in the day! However some things were just annoying and it took a while to figure them out...

Got all my changes moved over from the prototype to the actual code. Then had a big revalation about how objects should be loaded (as in, I won't load them as "assets" first and copy them, I'll just load them, which should cut down on headaches with the three.js animation system).

Then had to redo how the convenience "avatar" variable functioned and restructuring it so it works with the new stuff with animation.

The next thing that led to was rewriting a chunk of my Entity-System stuff. Got the NKIs adding, animating and colliding!

Had lots of cool brain thinks while setting up my collision sytem. Added lifetime system as well. Have to flesh it out some.

So, things are working and I have something close to a game. Just have to push super duper hard tomorrow to finish up...

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