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BBRPG Cheat Sheet Up!

BareBones RPG
A downloadable game

Cheat Sheet Available for GM to share with players.

Greetings, intrepid adventurers!

We’ve got some exciting news to share with you today. We’re thrilled to introduce a new addition to the BareBones RPG experience - the Game Cheat Sheet!

What’s the Game Cheat Sheet?

In response to feedback from our amazing community, we’ve created a handy reference tool to make your gaming sessions even more streamlined and enjoyable. The Game Cheat Sheet is a one-stop resource that provides quick access to all the essential rules and information you need to embark on epic adventures in the world of BareBones RPG.

What’s Included?

This Cheat Sheet is designed to be your trusty companion at the gaming table. It covers everything from character creation and attribute descriptions to combat rules, burn mechanics, Weapon damage tables, Armor, and levelless spells. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a new player, having this at your fingertips will ensure you spend less time flipping through rulebooks and more time immersing yourself in the action.

Why a Cheat Sheet?

We believe in making the gaming experience as accessible as possible. The Game Cheat Sheet is all about ease of use and ensuring that players and Game Masters can focus on storytelling and adventures without getting bogged down by rule details. It’s a testament to our commitment to enhancing your BareBones RPG experience.

How to Get It?

The Game Cheat Sheet will be available for download on our website, and it’s free for all BareBones RPG enthusiasts. We encourage you to download, print, and share it with your gaming group. We want to make sure every adventurer has the chance to benefit from this valuable resource.

What’s Next?

As always, we’re continuing to refine and expand BareBones RPG based on your feedback and experiences. We’re working hard on balancing enemies, creating new adventures, and developing exciting content to keep your adventures fresh and engaging.

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our incredible community for your support, feedback, and dedication to BareBones RPG. We’re excited about this new chapter and look forward to the adventures we’ll share.

Stay tuned for more updates, and may your dice rolls always be in your favor!


  • BBRPG Cheat Sheet
    Oct 28, 2023
  • Bare_Bones_Character_Sheet.pdf 734 kB
    Oct 27, 2023
  • BareBones RPG Doc
    Sep 30, 2023
Download BareBones RPG
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