is community of indie game creators and players


Wheels in Motion

A browser game made in HTML5

So, I'm continuing with the typeins, this time learning how to set up my drive controls and camera. I'm learning from this guys example at, which has been very helpful! It does pretty much everything I want, so I'm blatently ripping him off. Thanks Fyrestar!

Right now, almost everything is working except that the camera is not properly following the robot. It remains aloof and doesn't rotate around and move itself to the back like it should. I have a theory about why this is.

One of the things that I couldn't resist doing when I did typeins, was to change a badly named variable to something more useful. That also had the beneficial effect of forcing me to better understand what was going on, because if I missed a reference (remember I'm doing all this manually), it would break the program.

I renamed the "mesh" in the example to "avatar". And possibly, I have broken something. Or forgot to type a line in. I'll check tomorrow when I have had some sleep.

Speaking of ripping off, I discovered that there was a canonically revised list of NKIs (Non-Kitten Items) at I have updated my list to match.

I need a heart for the end of the game, so I modelled on in Blender after watching a somewhat unclear tutorial. But it's hearty enough!

I also got my spec mostly typed up, or at least as typed up as it's probably going to get before the end of the jam.

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