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Ascendant dawn 0.1.26 Adding Ambience

Ascendant Dawn Alpha
A downloadable game for Windows

Note: itch appears to be having problems with images so there are no images

However there is a video of the ambience 

This update of Ascendant Dawn mainly contains the adding of lots of Ambience but also a few bug fixes.

One of the main things I added was a day night cycle. I'd looked at adding this before but hadn't really known how to do it because there's already a season system which the player could speed up. If I made each month a single day night cycle it could be very jarring. Instead I made each day cycle occur in real time independent of how the actual game time was progressing. I added settings which let you speed up or pause the cycle and also one which allows you to have quicker nights. 

Below: A sunrise

Another major part of this update is the addition of status indicators above settlements, which are accompanied by appropriate sound effects. The two particle effects are plagues and famines which are both highly detrimental to settlements often resulting in massive population loss.  Below: Particles indicating a famine and then one with a plague.


Not only do settlements show their internal effects but they also show political effects with icons. There are also two of these, rebellions and separatism. When these problems get particularly bad the icons will flash which will indicate that something is about to happen. As part of this update such events are also more likely so you will see more nations falling apart. 


Below: Snow effects

I also added more in the way of effects such as these snow effects, fireflies and towns having lights in their windows when it is night. Settlements also burn after they have been raided. 

Some bugs have also been fixed including one annoying one where changing the camera yaw would jitter. 

I added a really basic form of the settlement founding system. You can do this when you are camped though I would recommend against it as there is no functionality in this mechanic. 

Finally I changed the game's icon to be in line with the new title text, which is far easier to read. 


Below you can find the full change log.


-Fixed tech bug

-Tribal leaders now contribute to tech research

-Characters can now have an intelligence stat

-Added more techs

-Added more faces

-Raided settlements have less economic activity for a time

-Settlements burn after being raided

-Can now see if a settlement has unrest or separatism

-When a settlement becomes independent an effect will play

-Added disaster mechanics

-Conquered capital settlements no longer stay a capital

-added some map decoration

-added seasonal weather, only snow right now

-Fixed bug where AI would break on pause

Surprisingly quite a hard bug to fix

-Modified(largely removed) AI character optimisation(still runs good)

-Added plague and famine effects to cities

-Added basic settlement founding

-Added logging in shipping build

If you have a crash then send me the bump files located in [Username]/AppData/local/Northern/Saved/Crashes

-Added colour gradding to the light based on seasons

Very subtle as it gets annoying if too much

-Added temperature to all map actors 

Effects foraging, pastures etc. So stay out of snow and winter is hard

-Added a lot of ambient sounds 

-Increased size penalty for foraging

This makes running out of food easier

-Added pine needle particle effects

-Added new cypress tree texture

-Day night cycle

-Improved ore mesh

-Added sound effects for raided settlements

-Changed some army and settler meshes

-Change how camp and camp production work in the UI

More in line with other elements now





  • Ascendant Dawn 794 MB
    Oct 25, 2023
Download Ascendant Dawn Alpha
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