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I'm not playing.

Our Patient
A downloadable game

Hello everyone! Sorry it took so long. I want to just give you an update on my progress.

If you have been keeping yourself Updated on the Unity situation, they decided, after all of the backlash, to fix the Runtime fee! It looks alot better, and that should’ve been what they released first. A better note;

That worthless CEO has been let go a few days after the change. Thank God and Good Riddance!

Unity is starting off back in the good lane. I’ll take that as a dub.

But that doesn’t mean I’ll crawl back so easily.

At the end of the day, Unity has showed their !ss; they let us know that they can screw us over at any time. The trust has been broken. Although we already did, we should show Unity that we’re not the ones to be played with. I wasn’t playing when I said I’ll be switching to Godot for this project.

I want this project to show Unity that if they can switch it up we can switch it up too.

Anywho, that’s enough with the ranting from me. It’s not very much yet, but I’ll get there. I need to make an animation tree and other things. But everything will be alright. XD

Thanks for reading, Have a nice day!

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