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Progress Update: Hopes and Goals

A downloadable game

Hello Simo writing again to talk about our progress on Cops and Vandals, our goals for the vertical slice and hopes for the overall scope of the game we want CnV to become.

This week has been productive but the pace of "new" stuff being worked on has deffinitely slowed down compared to the weeks of prototyping before. We are still tinkering with movement as it is showing it self to be a lot more trickier than we have imaged it to be. We changed the colision detection for the players to use raycasts instead of using colliders which has shown it self to be a lot more reliablie, and gave us a lot more control over the behaviour of the player. However we are still battling with some bugs, once in a while the moving player object missaligns with the grid of the game and fully stops moving, as this is a very rare bug it is very hard to look for however it still needs to be fixed and is the main thing holding us back from contining. Altough this bug is very rare, it is fatal to the experience and we can't move past it. Hopefully we will manage to find it and finish our vertical slice.

For the vertical slice of the game we aim for a few key things, perfect crisp movement with lots of feedback and juice, as the artstyle of the game is very basic we want the game to be apealing and intrisictly satisfying to just move around in. Create just one really good level where the players get to feel on the edge and get the feeling of playing a cat and mouse game. And create the checkpoints and drawing mechanics as this will be main win condition for the vandal and creates the asymetrical gameplay we are looking for. 

As the game we are aiming for is fairly simple the final game is not that diffrent from the verticle slice but just more. The idea is that after every won round the game will change to another randomly selected level to further push on the intense gameplay (reminicent of stickfight the game), introduce an anchor tile from which the player will be able to move in any direction they choose to further give us more room to create more complex levels, add tiles which will be only passable by the vandal as to create a dychodomy in the players movement and give the vandal an advantage in the game as the cop is currently fairly powerful and wins majority of the time. 

The vision for this game is to create a video game which can be quickly picked up and played between friends easily and casually. We call it the "discord call game" a game you play for a quick bit with your friends to simply pass time, and enjoy your self.

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