Posted October 24, 2023 by gutugutugames
Hit a milestone this weekend with this build of Earlybird Laundromat: the core game loop is now fully built out and playable.
Laundry can be received from customers, used in the washing machines, dryers and folding tables, and then finally returned to the cash register, at which point the player receives one dollar. It's functional but not very fun... which at least makes it a faithful representation of what doing laundry in real life is like.
My goal for the following builds is to "find the fun" in doing a mundane task like doing laundry. What I have planned are mini-games for separating and folding laundry, more customer types, more laundry types and better UX in general. Importantly, I want to add dialogue with those new customer types to create the beginnings of a narrative thread.
This build added three more state machines to the game's logic: for the washing machine, dryer and folding table. This new code gives me a good spot to insert folding and separating mini-games in the future.
The Workshift class that I introduced in "laundromat devlog 3" is now pretty overloaded with functionality, since it's handling all the events emitted by those new state machines. This is what Workshift looks like now, in flowchart form: