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General Update - Story Finish + Corrine Animations

Tales of Naturia
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Last week, I was able to find time to code in the story I wanted to include after the last boss fight in the ruins. This required making a couple new maps (like the one above, which I want to improve on later, find better train tracks, a functioning train set, etc), and duplicating one due to using different tile objects and things that goes beyond just switching NPCs. However, that is at least done and over the next couple months, I will be putting in some kind of quest log to go with the quests I'm going to be adding in. I have other video projects to do as well, so time will be spent accordingly.

Corrine's basic animations are all done.  As a reminder, he shares his party spot with Vera, who can call him out with a skill. I'll see about implementing him properly after I'm satisfied with the Prologue Demo stuff, because I would like him and Vera to be playable in the Arena Demo, even if it's just to test out basic functions. It'll be a while before I get to them in the story proper and really flesh out their abilities, but since I have their sprites, why not use them?

Of course, once I start getting the sprites for the last boss, I will start putting that fight together as I'm able. If anything, I want to include a few attacks, and 'if' I'm able to pull it off, a "Mystic Arte" or something close to it. Until then, I work with what I got and do whatever tests I can. There will be a point when I get very far into development and see about asking for play testers. I just don't have the means to pay for it since right now, it's going into art and other assets.

Last thing to bring up for this week, Life Bottle Productions shared various textures and stuff from various Tales games they were able to rip for archival and develop purposes, to anyone interested in that stuff. So this expands my repository of assets I can use for Item art before needing to commission original item art again. 

Other than that, if I don't post anything new next week or the next, I'm either working on other projects or just keeping quiet as it's not substantial enough to bring up. 

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