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Version 0.2 released

A downloadable game

Now that voting for Ludum Dare 54 has concluded, it's time to release the current version of Bounced!

Here's what's new:

- Basic music integration. You can hear the club off in the distance now.

- UI and performance tweaks ( settings menu, reloading, quitting, etc.). Several people mentioned that they could barely run the game, so now you can lower some of the settings.

What's coming:

- Actual gameplay! I've got a plan for what that will look like, but I couldn't pull it off in time for this release so I've left it to marinate

- Better music implementation. Right now it just plays on a loop, but I'll be adding different layers and arrangements in the future.

- Character interactions and story

- Save system. Once there are some quests to follow, we'll need to be able to save! The basics are setup now, they just need to be implemented on everything that should be saveable.

Thanks for checking it out!


  • 219 MB
    Oct 20, 2023
Download BOUNCED
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