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Update v1.06

Demonheart: The Cursed Trial
A downloadable game for Windows

As part of testing for consistency with the upcoming third chapter, I went through the first and second chapters and made some edits along the way. There are a lot of small changes which you may or may not notice if you replay. However, this update might make old save files buggy - it depends on where you saved.

Changes made to the existing chapters:

  • Rephrased many lines of narration and dialog.
  • Changed some expressions and sprite positions. Changed Ran's expression on several occasions into less childish and more manly ones. ':)
  • Added a few new choices and NPC lines - nothing crucial, but these changes will mess with old saves (see below.)
  • Started silently tracking Janiya's approval. Old saves didn't track this, so it will be like your relationship with her was neutral. Which is not the worst it could be. ':)
  • Fixed the music not starting in Chapter 2 if you slept on the floor.
  • Added a modified background when Ran and the main character are running in the graveyard, in Chapter 2.
  • Changed some sound effects.

Because I added new lines of dialog, old save files may look buggy. What to expect if you reload an old save:

  • You might be at a different line than the one you saved on, even one you've never seen.
  • Old alignment and relationship points will be preserved.
  • The log might have lines out of order or lines you haven't gotten.
  • Wrong character sprites may appear and stay until the next time the game is scripted to clear them.

I don't like breaking the save files when updating already published chapters, but I did a big edit of chapters 1 and 2 and made a lot of changes in one go. I'll try not to do it often, but the game is in early access and might still change.

Next, I will continue working on the third chapter, which is almost done but needs some edits for alignment and relationship consequences. Thank you for following!


  • dh-the-cursed-trial, Early Access (Chap. 1-5), Windows 64 529 MB
    Version 1.06.0
  • 423 MB
    Version 1.06.0
Download Demonheart: The Cursed Trial
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