Posted October 19, 2023 by AKSHAY R
#Stealth #2d #Time-Based #Puzzle #Strategy
LIGHTNING LABYRINTH - A 2D stealth genre based game prototype based on the Game Jam theme of " Avoid The Light ".
Features implemented are :-
- Player Movement - The player can move in all 4 directions ⬆️ ⬇️ ⬅️➡️ and diagonally also.
- Light object & Laser object activation & deactivation.
- Player Detection by Light object, triggering game over and level restart.
- Player Detection by Laser object, triggering game over and level restart.
- Timer based game - If player fails to reach exit point before time runs out, Game over & Restart.
- Player should reach the exit point without being detected by Light & Laser objects, also before the time runs out, in order to finish the level.
Scoring :-
Collecting coins will increase the score.
UI :-
Implemented Basic UI like Game Over, Win, Score, Lobby, Timer, Pause UI for the game. Implemented Play, Restart, Quit, Home & Resume Buttons.