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Post-Prototype Devlog 1#

A downloadable game

Hi this is Simo writing and with the publishing of this devlog we would have been done with working on prototypes for a week now!
With this a lot of things are going to change, as we have learned a lot, focused and set in stone our ideas for our games and most importantly our work flow is going to change a lot compared to the erratic work of creating prototypes.

First things first I would like to mention that from this post onward , me and Nick, will be consolidating our devlogs into one and we will no longer be publishing two seperate devlogs as we are now working toghether much more closely.

Before I get into this weeks work I would like to go briefly over our outcomes of the prototypes from our last playtest, and over all summerize the prototyping stage:
The last prototype playtest was deffitely the most influential and important playtest for us as we have gotten more comfortable with developing prototypes and better understood their purpose. For the last prototypes we chose two drastically different ideas, one being a more narative driven idea which put the idea of painting on its head, and one a simple but tense 1v1 game where a player has to chase the other. Feedback was good on both however we have both decided we saw people go back to our prototype and even ourself wanted to simply play more of the latter prototype. What drew me to that prototype, which have given the working title "Cops and Vandals", was the emotions it evoked in the playtesters when they were playing, they were excited they were tense in their seats and overall they were enganged. Our previous playtests didn't really engage players as much, and we were noticing what people were talking about and where people collected. Notably prototypes by Siofra and Cieron were really fun already, and that feeling was something we wanted to aim for.

Having decided what prototype we wanted to go for we needed to break down what needed to be done for our game, and for the first real subission the vertical slice:

To begin working we decided to break down the work needed done into layers as we were aiming to use concentric design as one of our core principles. For the layer 1 mechanics or onces that needed to be done first we decided on : Movement of the characters, painting mechanic, and the collisions. Layer 2: we got the "checkpoints" (capture the flag type gamemechanic), designing 1 good level, and a timer and finally Layer 3: was focus on general aesthetics, additional levels, menu UI, juice (reffering to making things feel right, feedback etc.)

for the work we have done this week we talked over how to do the movement as that is the be all and end all of our game. if the movement doesn't feel right the whole game will buckle under it. We went over meny different ways of how to move the players, currently we got the movement to feel very very good! however there are still some issues in terms of collisions and aesthetically we are still going over the avenues which would be for the best. This weeks work is something that is hard to see as it is all code. but hopefully soon we will be able to show something more tangable :)

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