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Devlog Production Week 1

Starbound Pixels
A browser game made in HTML5

Any logs regarding the production of StarBound Pixels will start here

(Mason Lester: Artist) - Pixel artmaker, the art posted. it'll be pixelized such as the level, platforms, ray guns, items, the players, and etc. Makes sure the size of the pixelated art fits well with the overall game.

(Dylan Avila: Artist) - After playing the prototype, the gameplay fits well for what the main goal of the game is for, however the backgrounds and texture of terrain is needed along with power ups, level design and further programing into making multiplayer happen.

(Ronny Santana: Code) - For the past week my team goal was to get started with the development, I tried checking on Unity but since It seems too hard for me it would take me a lot of time to learn it so I told the team and went into Gdevelop because I had more experience with it. So far the goals that has been accomplished is that we have our first game prototype. For the next week my goal will be making cooperative for three players since in the prototype there is just one player for testing purposes and showing the game mechanics to our team. For the past week I have accomplished making a menu for the game and making the player move and aim how is supposed to be. For next week I will add cooperative to have 3 players and tweak some stuff into the menu. To accomplish these goals I will need to do research looking into tutorials in youtube or asking in the Gdevelop discord server. Me and my team were playtesting our first prototype so they can see how the game will look like. I learned on what should I improve by taking feedbacks from my team members. My play tester were my team. By seeing them play the prototype they agreed on that's how they want the game to be but I got some feedback into what to improve. After my team were done play testing I asked them If they agreed if the mechanics that I added in our game were the one we were planning to do. The feedback I receive was that they agreed that it was the same mechanics we were planning to do and give me some ideas into what to add next. I did learn the feedback I got and I'm looking forward into adding their ideas into our game.

(Victor Guevara - Design) - Our team's goal for the previous week was to finish the gameplay mechanics of our game in terms of how to win the game, how to set up stages, and how to make the game distinctive in other ways. We have mostly completed the goal of finishing most of the game mechanics. However, once we have completed the initial game designs, we would like to add on more if possible. For the next week, our aims for the design portion of our game are to begin trying out the mechanics in a prototype to evaluate how well it plays and if it is an experience that players will enjoy. If not, our job would be to discover what isn't working and how we can fix it. As the design producer, I believe I was successful in getting our team to see the final vision for our game the past week. When they asked about the original pitch for the game, I was able to explain why certain elements were developed the way they were and how it worked for a cooperative game in my perspective. I'd ask the others what ideas they had and if they thought it was possible for them to finish. We were able to decide on a final plan from here. To make sure that I meet this week's goal, I will maintain frequent touch with the other group members to discuss the current mechanics we have and if anything needs to be tweaked. I also want to assist more of my groupmates with different aspects of our project, whether in art or code. I absolutely believe I would need to begin learning the fundamentals of the engine we are working on, which is currently GDevelop rather than the Unity engine. I'd also need to work on my pixel art abilities in order to help create the final assets we'll be using.

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