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Character Intro #3 - The Lord of the Market, Overseer of the Market's Veil

Welcome to character intro #3!

If it isn’t already obvious, Tovera Chronicles: The Little Guild on the Hill saga focuses greatly on Celtic folklore-while other folklore does come into play later (which I’m excited to show off!) the fair folk, demoted gods and divine forces of nature, take the front seat very often in this saga.

One of these powerful spirits appears in the prologue as the magic world slowly seeps back into Luana’s life, which she is not a fan of…~~but this particular instance of magic coming into her life is due to a blunder on her part…~~

Age: She says it’s rude to ask, but it’s safe to assume she’s been around for a while.

Species: Seelie/Tuathe De Danann (Descendant)

True Name: ???

Ethnicity: Same as her species; gods and spirits use their species as ethnicity.

Nationality: Keonian, but is very obviously from somewhere else, going by her thick accent.

Quote: “Now, let us see what you can give me in turn for my generosity…”

Neighbors in the market bow in respect as this large, molly-shaped fairy patrols her territory behind the market’s veil. Her past is so shrouded in mystery that not even the neighbors of her little slice of Kalani City, the Kalani City Market, know where she came from and why she decided to become lord-or lady, rather, of the market, besides the delicious, freshly caught fish and affection she gets when she leaves the veil for human attention.

What they do know, however, is that her prowess in combat and spellcasting ability has earned her the respect of her fellow spirits and minor deities, and they have long accepted her as Lord of the Market as a result, not caring much for the why or how.

Recently, she has adopted a young boy from the streets, becoming his fairy godmother of sorts as he makes an action plan to get out of homelessness-something that puzzles the denizens of her domain. It would seem that this boy is key to what she wants to ask of Luana, who owes her a favor due to borrowing her help years ago without compensating her for it…oops.

Final Word

This snarky, cat shaped fairy is only one of many spirit friends you’ll meet in the prologue-as Keona takes place in a country analogous to our Hawai’i. you’ll meet some friends from the other side native to Keona as well. That being said, the next character intro takes us to the Emerald Isles once again, as you’ll meet a demoted Celtic goddess romping around Keona-though her shape is more…familiar to us than our molly-shaped Lord of the Market.

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