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Documentation + User Guide

Dominion Upholder
A browser game made in HTML5
  1. Differences between concept and completed game.
  2. Summary of tester feedback.
  3. List of assets and sources for completed game.
  4. User guide – name and controls
  5. User guide – game functions

1. List of differences between concept and actual


Initial concept called for 4 ship types; fighter, gunship, corvette and hauler.  In the finished game we have a drone, gunship(player), fighter/bomber, carrier.

Fighter removal – Technically the fighter is still in, it’s just now a fighter/bomber.

Corvette removal – the main reason for this is time, I was not able to get around to creating the sprite, or a movement system for it.

Hauler removal – the hauler was meant to be part of the extended game, a civilian vessel you could communicate with, perhaps steal cargo or attack if you wanted to, but would have some negative consequence for doing so. This was not implemented again due to time constraints.

Addition of drone – The drone was my first enemy ship, essentially a concept testing the movement, weapons etc, I kept it in because it helps the game to have another enemy type.

Addition of fighter/bomber – This was just the fighter however I needed an asset to test the missiles on, and once they were added I kept it.

Addition of Carrier – Whilst testing spawners I created the carrier sprite to have something to spawn them from, then added guns and missiles to it. The carrier remains somewhat incomplete itself. The movement script simply tells it to go in a circle.


Initial concept called for a station to repair, upgrade, improve, purchase cargo and supplies. This was removed due to time/skill constraints, and because none of its functionality had been created.

Weapon loadouts

Concept called for weapons which could be swapped out for other weapons either found or purchased, and that weapons be upgradable to improve functionality.  Unfortunately, due to my lack of skill + time constraints this has not happened, and the only weapons available are what is on player when the game is loaded.

Weapon types

Concept called for Lasers, beam, missiles, plasma, ballistic, electro-magnetic, however only laser balls and missiles were implemented.  Again, lack of skill and time constraints prevented me from getting around to the others.

Enemies and combat

Initial concept called for the player to choose fight or flee, to have different enemy types, strength and numbers depending on location chosen, and rewards based on location.

The ability to choose fight or flee is redundant since each level is standalone, with no carryover of health, items equipment etc.

For strength and numbers based on location, this has not been implemented due to the map not being created, nor have randomisers been used.

For rewards, this has not been implemented as there is no way to upgrade player ship or weapons, and no currency or score.

Moral dilemmas

Initial concept called for moral dilemmas to occur when you enter a different location.  These dilemmas were meant to have consequences based on decisions, and have options based on your ship and crew.

They could still technically exist and would be created if I had time, although they are a rather low priority as to function correctly, they would need the map, carryover of items, equipment, score, crew, or currency.


Initial concept called for permadeath, technically this may not have changed, because the game resets after any level, but this is not true permadeath, as you have nothing to lose anyway.

Map and exploration

Intention was to have showing different areas you can go, and the rewards would be based on the difficulty of that area. When you go in that area, you have another map showing different events to access. This was removed due to time constraints.

Random Event

Initial concept called for a random event when you load into a map, could be a combat zone, could be a station, decision dilemma, or civilian. This was removed because currently only enemies have been created besides the player, so no other event types can be generated.


Initial concept called for allies to encounter, that might be under attack or aiding you and your mission.  Allies have not been implemented due to time constraints.


Initial concept called for a storyline where you are hunting down an individual who is leading a terrorist cell against the dominion, and once you beat him you can keep playing and exploring.

This would have been completed after all the other parts of the game were in place, as it relies heavily on persistence between missions, being able to upgrade and having some dialog options.


Summary of differences between game and original

The initial concept was deliberately ambitious because this is something I want to create. I did not expect everything to be completed, however Lack of skill and available study time means I’ve completed far less than I was hoping for. 

2. Tester feedback

Summary of feedback


There were mixed reactions to the movement controls, some people liked the unique style, some people did not like the ‘heavy’ feeling it gave the ship. The incremented movement speed gave similarly split reactions The attack controls were generally disliked because they had to be pressed consistently, using the same buttons as needed for turning.  People liked there were the forward guns and the turret, but reactions were mixed on the front turrets not shooting out of their arcs.

Camera and Art

The feedback generally was that the art was nice, but the camera was too far back to be able to see it. In earlier builds people did not like the fixed camera and small gameplay area, nor the lack of a background. There was also disappointment in a lack of win or lose screen, or ability to replay after victory in earlier builds.


Needing enemies was much called for by testers the early builds. People also wanted the ability to switch weapons, and to have different weapon types. People were also disappointed in the lack of UI during the early builds, as there was no way to know your speed or health.  In the final builds people said they had fun, but the game is lacking any polish.


Personal observations

All the feedback was quite valid and much of it reflected the state of the build they had tried.  The ship was fairly sluggish to turn in the initial build.  In the later builds most people didn’t mind the movement controls after a verbal explanation of how those controls were meant to influence the gameplay.  


Feedback influence on the game

Camera too far back – This feedback was because the camera was so far out the ship looked small, pixilated, and difficult to see. The cameras intent at the time was to show off the movement, specifically that the ship turned slower when it moved faster.  The camera now sits a lot closer to the players ship and follows it. The menu screen shows an up-close image of the player ship and some enemies, and just for fun you can shoot the enemies in that screen.

Background is bland – This feedback was because there was no background, just an empty blue screen.  This has now been resolved using a space style background, then the background was made smaller to be less pixilated and put in a tile pattern so that it isn’t very noticeable when the player ship wraps around it.

Small play area – This was from the initial movement test, because it was confined to the one location and would loop indefinitely. The play area is now much larger allowing more freedom of movement.

Needs enemies – this feedback was provided prior to having enemies.  They have now been implemented and can be shot and killed.

Mouse buttons would be better for shooting – This is because the q and e buttons are awkward to use with a and d simultaneously.  A better choice would have been space, shift or ctrl for shooting when using keyboard.  Shooting with the mouse is now enabled, along with the keyboard options.  The forward guns are also on toggle so that the button doesn’t need to be pressed every time.

Unique movement increment – it was generally disliked that there was no way to tell what the movement speed was.  Due to this the speed was limited to 5 increments, and a UI bar was added to display the current speed.

The feel of the ship turning – The initial feedback was that it was too slow to turn at speed, and that it could not turn at all whilst stationary.  Due to this feedback, the ship was made able to turn whilst not moving, and the turn rate when moving was increased.

Weapon not shooting outside arc – There was frustration that the forward weapons did not fire when curser was outside their arc.  If I had more skill and time, I would have implemented some kind of UI so that it was obvious what the turrets range was.

No way to tell controls in game – In earlier builds there was nothing in game to explain the controls. Due to this an in game ‘tutorial’ level to explain the key binds and safely move around has been added.

Feedback not acted upon

Switch weapon ability – This would be amazing, to be able to switch weapons by pressing 1234 etc. However, I did not have the skill to implement this in time.

No death or win screen – this is unfortunate, I didn’t have the time or skill to implement, which is disappointing as it makes a less engaging experience when it just cuts out.

3. List of assets and identified the source of each

Audio Files


  • obtained from: (Mike Koenig n.d.)
  • used in: (prefab)DoubleGreenBallPref
  • Purpose: increase immersion by making a charge up and blast sound when the cannon is fired.

Laser_cannon 1

  • obtained from: (Mike Koenig n.d.)
  • used in: (prefab)RedBallPref, (prefab)EnemyLaserBall
  • Purpose: increase immersion by making a sound when lasers are fired.


  • obtained from: (SoundBible n.d)
  • used in: (prefab)PlayerMissile, (prefab)EnemyMissile
  • Purpose: increase immersion by making sounds when a missile is fired.


  • obtained from: (dobroride n.d.)
  •  used in: (prefab)Player
  • Purpose: Used to add some ambient sound of the ship to increase immersion



  • Obtained from: Prefab assembled by me using other assets.
  • Used in: (Prefab)Player
  • Purpose: Used as ammunition for the main cannon on player ship. It shows 2 green balls as the ships cannon has 2 turrets on the cannon.


  • Obtained from: Prefab assembled by me using other assets.
  • Used in: (Scene)CarrierLevel
  • Purpose: Used as a boss type enemy to be a challenging opponent and prolong the gameplay.


  • Obtained from: Created by me using other assets.
  • Used in: (Scene)CarrierLevel, (Scene)FighterLevel, (Scene)DroneLevel, (Scene)MenuScene, (Prefab)EnemyCarrier
  • Purpose: Used as a basic enemy type, numerous and easy to defeat.

EnemyLaserBall –

  • Obtained from: Created by me using other assets.
  • Used in: (Prefab)EnemyDrone, (Prefab)EnemyCarrier, (Prefab)FighterBomber
  • Purpose: Used as ammunition for the enemies.


  • Obtained from: Created by me using other assets.
  • Used in: (Prefab)FighterBomber
  • Purpose: A homing missile used by stronger enemies to force the player onto the defensive, and make the player think about using their movement strategically since the player cannot turn whilst at speed.


  • Obtained from: Taken from tutorial.
  • Used in: (Prefab)Player
  • Purpose: Used to create a small explosion when the player dies. 


  • Obtained from: Created by me using other assets.
  • Used in: (Scene)CarrierLevel, (Scene)FighterLevel, (Scene)MenuScene
  • Purpose: A medium type enemy mean to put the player on the defensive using missile spam


  • Obtained from: Created by me using other assets.
  • Used in: (Scene)MenuScene, (Scene)CarrierLevel, (Scene)FighterLevel, (Scene)DroneLevel, (Scene)Controls, (GameObject)GameLogic->(Script)PlayerTargeter
  • Purpose: This is the users way to interact in each combat scene, the game is lost if this object dies. 


  • Obtained from: Created by me using other assets.
  • Used in: (Prefab)Player
  • Purpose: Used as a bonus weapon by the player to fire homing missiles on multiple enemy ships simultaneously.


  • Obtained from: Created by me using other assets.
  • Used in: (Prefab)Player
  • Purpose: Used as ammunition for the players forward weapons



  • Obtained from: Created by me using other assets.
  • Purpose: A tough gameplay level, with multiple boss type enemies, and lots of other enemies.


  • -Obtained from: Created by me using other assets.
  • -Purpose: An empty level, with screen text to provide the player with information on how to play, and the ability to test out functionality.


  • Obtained from: Created by me using other assets.
  • Purpose: An easy gameplay level with a lot of enemies to kill. 


  • Obtained from: Created by me using other assets.
  • Purpose: A medium difficulty gameplay level with some enemies to kill


  • Obtained from: Created by me using other assets.
  • Purpose: A menu screen to decide which level the user would like to play.


  • Obtained from: Created by me using other assets.
  • Purpose: A main menu, this is the entry screen for the game.


  • Obtained from: Created by me using other assets.
  • Purpose: A menu screen to adjust sound settings.



  • Obtained from: (ChatGPT 2023)
  • Used in: (Prefab)EnemyCarrier
  • Purpose: Makes the carrier move around in a static circle


  • Obtained from: tutorial
  • Used in: (Prefab)DoubleGreenBallPref, (Prefab)EnemyLaserBall, (Prefab)EnemyMissile, (Prefab)PlayerMissile, (Prefab)RedBallPref
  • Purpose: Used by ammunition type prefabs to ensure they don’t keep going forever. Also limits enemies ability to attack you from too far away.


  • Obtained from: tutorial
  • Used in: (Prefab)PlayerMissile, (Prefab)EnemyMissile, (Prefab)EnemyLaserBall
  • Purpose: Used to destroy an ammunition object after it has connected with an opponent. 


  • Obtained from: Modified from tutorial
  • Used in: (Prefab)EnemyDrone
  • Purpose: Used to enable the enemy drones to shoot in the direction that it is moving. 


  • Obtained from: Created with assistance from (ChatGPT 2023)
  • Used in: GameObject(GameLogic)
  • Purpose: Used to end the game if no enemies are remaining. 


  • Obtained from: Modified from tutorial
  • Used in: (Prefab)EnemyDrone, (Prefab)EnemyCarrier, (Prefab)FighterBomber
  • Purpose: Used to give the enemies a health pool 


  • Obtained from: modified from tutorial with assistance from (ChatGPT 2023)
  • Used in: (Prefab)EnemyMissile
  • Purpose: Used to track the player and move the missile


  • Obtained from: Modified from tutorial
  • Used in: EnemyCarrier
  • Purpose: Used to shoot at the player in all directions


  • Obtained from: modified from tutorial with assistance from (ChatGPT 2023)
  • Used in: (Prefab)EnemyCarrier
  • Purpose: Used to rotate the turrets to face the player.


  • Obtained from: modified from tutorial with assistance from (ChatGPT 2023)
  • Used in: (Prefab)FighterBomber
  • Purpose: Used to fire the weapons in the direction the ship is moving.  This is different to the drone shooting as the drone since the weapons the fighter are children and not part of the rigidbody2D.


  • Obtained from: modified from tutorial
  • Used in: (Prefab) EnemyDrone, (Prefab)FighterBomber
  • Purpose: Used to move the smaller enemies around so they chase the player, then they try to fly past and come back around. This script also provides the targeting data for DroneShooting and EnemyTurretShooting.


  • Obtained from: from tutorial
  • Used in: (GameObject)Camera
  • Purpose: Makes the camera follow the player, intent was to customise later. 


  • Obtained from: from tutorial
  • Used in: (GameObject)Canvas
  • Purpose: Used to show the different UI elements, health, shield, ammo, speed.


  • Obtained from: from tutorial
  • Used in: (Prefab)Player
  • Purpose: used to lower the players health whenever enemy ammunition collides with player.


  • Obtained from: modified from tutorial
  • Used in: (Prefab)Player
  • Purpose: Used to lower the shields health whenever enemy ammunition collides with the shield.


  • Obtained from: Created by me
  • Used in: (Prefab)Player
  • Purpose: Exits the current scene and takes the user back to menu. Used in scenes without buttons.


  • Obtained from: (ChatGPT 2023)
  • Used in: (Prefab)FighterBomber
  • Purpose: Used to fire groups of seeking missiles at the player.


  • Obtained from: modified from tutorial
  • Used in: (Prefab)DoubleGreenBallPref, (Prefab)PlayerMissile, (Prefab)RedBallPref
  • Purpose: Used to decrease enemies health by a selectable integer


  • Obtained from:  modified from tutorial
  • Used in: (Prefab)Player
  • Purpose: Used to keep track of and set the max and starting health values for the player. Also brings player back to main menu when they die.


  • Obtained from: modified from tutorial
  • Used in: (Prefab)PlayerMissile
  • Purpose: Used to track the selected enemy and move the missile


  • Obtained from: assistance from (ChatGPT 2023)
  • Used in: (Prefab)Player
  • Purpose: Used to target the closest 5 enemies and fire a missile at each of them. 


  • Obtained from: assistance from (ChatGPT 2023)
  • Used in: (Prefab)Player
  • Purpose: Allows the player to move and creates a unique movement style, where turn rate decreases as speed increases.


  • Obtained from: assistance from (ChatGPT 2023)
  • Used in: (GameObject)GameLogic
  • Purpose: Created as an override for enemy targets, so that the players rigidbody wouldn’t need to be manually set to objects either through runtime or when creating the game.


  • Obtained from: modified from tutorial
  • Used in: (Scene)MenuScene, (Scene)Settings, (Scene)LevelSelect
  • Purpose: Used to swap between scenes when a button is clicked.


  • Obtained from: modified from tutorial with assistance from (ChatGPT 2023)
  • Used in: (Prefab)Player
  • Purpose: Used to keep track of and set the max and starting values for the players shield. Also increases the shields over time back to maximum. Also controls the shields transparency values.


  • Obtained from: modified from tutorial
  • Used in: (Prefab)Player
  • Purpose: Used by the player to fire from the forward turrets, decides if the targets in range using the (Script)TurretAiming also on the player.


  • Obtained from: modified from tutorial
  • Used in: (Prefab)Player
  • Purpose:  Used by the player to fire the cannon. Has adjustable intervals and is linked to the UI.


  • Obtained from: assistance from (ChatGPT 2023)
  • Used in: (Prefab)EnemyCarrier
  • Purpose: Used to spawn in instances of enemy fighters to attack the player.


  • Obtained from: Created by me
  • Used in: (Prefab)Player
  • Purpose: This is used on the forward turrets and enables them to rotate freely in a given arc on a parent object.


  • Obtained from: modified from tutorial with assistance from (ChatGPT 2023)
  • Used in: (Prefab)Player
  • Purpose: Makes the player able to continue moving back inside the boundaries if they try to leave the game area.


Ball Turret

  • Obtained from: Created by me
  • Used in: (Prefab)Player
  • Purpose: to display the forward turrets on the players ship, created separately to allow rotation.


  • Obtained from: Created by me
  • Used in: (Prefab)DoubleGreenBallPref
  • Purpose: To display the ammunition from the players main turret


  • Obtained from: Created by me
  • Used in: (Prefab)EnemyDrone
  • Purpose: to display the drone objects


  • Obtained from: Created by me
  • Used in: (Prefab)EnemyCarrier
  • Purpose: to display the enemy carrier objects


  • Obtained from: Created by me
  • Used in: (Prefab)FighterBomber
  • Purpose: to display the enemy fighter objects


  • Obtained from: Created by me
  • Used in: (Prefab)Player
  • Purpose: To display the main turret for the player’s ship, created separately to allow rotation.


  • Obtained from: Created by me
  • Used in: (Prefab)EnemyMissile
  • Purpose: to display the enemy missile objects


  • Obtained from: Created by me
  • Used in: (Prefab)PlayerMissile
  • Purpose: to display the player missile object


  • Obtained from: Created by me
  • Used in: (Prefab)Player
  • Purpose: To display the players ship


  • Obtained from: Created by me
  • Used in: (Prefab)EnemyLaserBall, (Prefab)RedBallPref
  • Purpose: to display the laser ammunition type game objects


  • Obtained from: Created by me
  • Used in: (Prefab)Player
  • Purpose: To display the players shield.


  • Obtained from: created and provided by (Dominic Rose, Discord,  2023)
  • Used in: (Scene)LevelSelect, (Scene)MenuScene, (Scene)Settings
  • Purpose: Used as a background


  • Obtained from: created and provided by (Dominic Rose, Discord,   2023)
  • Used in: (Scene)Carrierlevel, (Scene)DroneLevel, (Scene)FighterLevel, (Scene)Controls
  • Purpose: Used as a background, this one is tiled to be less noticeable when player is wrapping around. 


  • Obtained from: Created by me
  • Used in: (Prefab)FighterBomber
  • Purpose: To display the enemies weapon

Notable game objects


  • Used in: (Scene)Carrierlevel, (Scene)DroneLevel, (Scene)FighterLevel, (Scene)Controls
  • Purpose: Keeps track of enemies and ends the game when none are left. Targets the player and shares that target with all enemies.


  • Used in: (Scene)Carrierlevel, (Scene)DroneLevel, (Scene)FighterLevel, (Scene)Controls
  • Creates a tiled background to keep the play in and make the wrap function less noticable

Outside sources

I did not use Github or Copilot.

In this project I used ChatGPT extensively for scripts whenever it was a new topic, or something that I hadn’t learned. Much of the code based on tutorial work, or ChatGPT then modified to work for each circumstance.  

The following are links to ChatGPT

User Guide

4. Name and controls

The name of this game: Dominion Upholder

Gameplay description:

Move your ship around in space whilst blasting enemies, destroy all the enemies in a level to win. If your ship runs out of health, it will be destroyed and you lose.


Movement controls:

Tap W and S to move forwards and backwards.  Your speed will change in increments, one tap will set your speed to the next increment forwards or backwards.  When moving forwards, you can hold down Spacebar to stop quickly.

Hold A or D to turn, your turn rate is affected by your speed, the faster you are moving, the slower you will turn. You will need to pay attention to your speed if you want to train your weapons onto the enemy.

Your speed will be displayed on the top left with the purple indicator.

Weapon controls:

Aiming is done with the Mouse Pointer, wherever the curser is, that is where your ship will attempt to shoot.

Forward guns are pointed to the front, they shoot rapidly but do-little damage, firing for these weapons are toggled. Press Q or Right Mouse to begin firing, then press again to stop. They can fire rapidly and indefinitely; however, their arcs are limited, and they will cease fire if you are targeting outside their arc.

The main cannon is fired using Left Shift or Left Mouse. It is far stronger than your forward guns and can shoot in any direction.  However, it has a slow recharge rate, slower bullet speed and you need to click each time you want it to fire. The orange indicator in the top left will let you know when it is ready to fire.

A special weapon can be used once per round with the F key (It is a little buggy and will only work sometimes) this weapon will lock onto the closest 5 enemies and fire powerful missiles at them each time you press F until they are dead.

Other controls:

From the combat and practice scenes you can return to the menu at any time by pressing M.

For testing purposes, you can increase your health to 4000% of max by pressing U.

5. Game Functions


Player shield: Your first layer of protection is your shield, this has 20 hit points, and will recharge at a rate of 1 point every 2 seconds, even if you’re in combat. However, if your shield is destroyed, it will not return. Your shield is displayed as the blue bar on the top left, you will also see your shield become more transparent as it is damaged.

Player health: Your ship has health of 25, health will not begin to lower until you lose your shield.  Health does not regenerate, and when it reaches 0 you will lose. Your health is displayed as the green bar on the top left.

Player forward guns: Your forward weapons do 1 damage and shoot at a rate of 1 shot every half a second. (total DPS between both is 4) They each have a 110-degree arc from the front to their respective side and cannot shoot outside that arc. (red lines in the image below are the arcs)

Player cannon: Your cannon does 10 damage and can fire every 3 seconds (total DPS is 3.333) It can shoot in a full 360 and the ammunition travels at ¾ the speed of the forward guns.

Player Missiles: Your launchers were most certainly constructed by the lowest bidder. They will occasionally work.  When they do, they should lock onto the closest 5 targets.  When they hit a target, they will do 20 damage each.

Enemy Drone: This is a basic enemy, they will attempt to strafe you whilst firing, when they get close they will speed up to get past you, then turn around for another run.  They have 1 health.

Enemy Fighter/Bomber: This is a medium enemy. Their movement is the same as the Drone, however these have 2 weapons, and a missile launcher.  They will fire 5 homing missiles, then reload for 15 seconds.  The missiles will last for 12 seconds. The missiles cannot be intercepted, but they can be outrun, or you can tank them with your shield. Large groups of these enemies are dangerous. They have 3 health.

Enemy Carrier:  This is a large enemy.  They will either move slowly in a large circle or be stationary. Carriers have 3 turrets that shoot very quickly, and in all directions. Carriers have 100 health, and will spawn drones until destroyed.

Winning and Losing:

Win: Defeat all the enemies in the map.

Defeat: If your health reaches 0 you will lose.


Main menu: Lets you chose to go to level select by pressing play game, or check out the instructions and settings.

Level Select: When you press play game it will take you to a level select and you can choose one of the following 3 options:

DroneLevel: This level puts you up against multiple drone enemies.  It should not be too challenging.

FighterLevel:  This level has multiple fighter/bombers and drones.  It can be challenging to deal with the missiles. 

CarrierLevel: This level has 3 carriers, with an escort of 9 fighter/bombers, and continuous Drones being spawned. Try destroying the fighter/bomber escorts, then going after the carriers. 

Controls: This is an empty level that can be accessed from the main menu directly, it allows you to fly around with no enemies to test your weapons, and provides basic tutorial information. 

Settings: intended for updating sound settings.  The options are not functional.


Mike Koenig n.d., Laser Cannon, SoundBible, viewed 14 Oct 2023, <https:"" 1771-laser-cannon.html=""> </https:>

SoundBible n.d, Missile Fire War, SoundBible, viewed 14 Oct 2023, <https:"" 201-missile-fire-war.html=""> </https:>

dobroride, n.d., Rocket Thrusters, SoundBibleviewed 14 Oct 2023, <https:"" search.php?q="Rocket+Thrusters"> </https:>


  • 13 MB
    Oct 15, 2023
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